Student Services
Attendance 24-Hour Voicemail
- 651-683-6969 ext. 88677
- Attendance Office Questions 952-431-8921 or 8922
Student Absence Information:
- Full Day Absence, call BEFORE 1:00pm using the Attendance Voicemail Number: 651-683-6969 ext. 88677
- Partial Day Absence (late arrival or early release) send a note with your student or call 952-431-8921 or 8922
- Students must have an EVHS pink attendance pass before leaving the building
- Always bring a doctor’s note for all medical appointments
- Insist that your student ask teachers for make-up work the day they return---they are responsible for all work missed!!
- For all other attendance issues, please call the EVHS Attendance Office at 952-431-8921 or 8922
- Attendance Matters! Every student...every day!
- Student Responsibilities When Absent
- Attendance Protocol (New for 2019-20)
Attendance Matters! Every student...every day!
Our district and school districts across the country are looking at the relationship between chronic absenteeism and student academic success. We know that attendance and engagement in school are important factors in a student's learning and social/emotional development. Students who are absent from school miss out on the valuable learning activities that take place in the classroom, both with the teacher and with peers. Even strong students with good grades can fall off course in middle and high school if they miss too many classes; lessons build on one another and move more quickly in the upper grades. While students may be able to make up assignments from days they were gone, they cannot make up for missed instruction, discussion and peer and classroom experiences when they are absent from class. While they may complete some or even all of the work missed, the learning experience is significantly altered.
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing more than 10% of the school year (excused or unexcused). At Eastview High School, that is five days or more per quarter. For comparison, most EVHS students miss fewer than three days per quarter and 86% of our students at Eastview stay under the 10% threshold annually.
We understand there may be circumstances that prevent a student from attending, however we expect those absences to be limited. We care greatly about the health and well-being of our students. We want to partner with students and families when challenges exist and work together to support your student in any way we can. We always strive to reduce absences, keep students in the classroom and maximize learning. Please feel free to contact us if there are extenuating circumstances of which we are unaware.
Student Responsibilities When Absent
Student Responsibilities When Absent:
- Check provided resources (Schoology, course calendar, notes, etc.)
- Collaborate with peers to obtain additional information, notes, homework, timelines, etc.
- If further clarification is needed, prepare questions for the teacher.
- Meet/email with teacher(s) as needed to obtain clarification and/or plan for make-up assessments.
- If after school make-up is necessary, communicate with coaches/advisors about potentially missing co-curricular commitments.
- Reminder: In order to participate in co-curricular activities, students must be present four or more periods during the school day; communicate with coaches/advisors if you are unable to participate.
Attendance Protocol (New for 2019-20)
In order to support students and families, we are implementing the following attendance protocol for the 2019-20 school year:
Upon five (5) absences from any single class period, students/families will receive an awareness letter indicating that the student is considered chronically absent and close monitoring will take place.
Upon ten (10) absences from any single class period, students/families will be required to provide a doctor’s note to excuse any future absences. Without a doctor’s note, absences will be marked unexcused.
Upon fifteen (15) absences from any single class period, students will receive an NC (no credit) mark on their report card for that class if a passing grade is earned (students not earning a passing grade will receive a grade of F). No credit will be earned at that time. Credit may be earned with successful completion of one of the following:
1. Approval of an Attendance Appeal
Attendance appeals will be reviewed by an attendance appeal committee which will include a Counselor, Grade Level Administrator, Nurse and Case Manager (if applicable).
2. Successful completion of an Attendance Improvement Contract
Student must be present for 90% of class periods the following quarter (this is equal to fewer than five absences from each class in the nine-week term).
If neither of the above are approved/met, the following options may be available; students must work with their counselor and/or grade level administrator to plan for and register for either option.
3. CORE (required) classes – successful completion of Credit Recovery for the required course
Credits may be recovered in either Extended Day (after school) or Summer School; the original NC will remain on the student’s transcript, but the recovered credit will also be listed (with a grade of P for pass) and count toward graduation requirements.
4. ELECTIVE (non-required) classes – registration and successful completion of the course in subsequent year
This is based on availability – students new to the course will have priority in registration if the course is full); the original NC will remain on the student’s transcript, but the recovered credit will also be listed (with the letter grade earned).
Ann DeMarco
651-683-6969, ext. 18925
Melissa Persigehl
651-683-6969, ext 18923
Counseling Office
The Eastview High School Counseling department is dedicated to fostering an equitable and supportive environment where every student can thrive.
Promote social and emotional learning and provide access to resources for academic, social and personal success.
Offer inclusive and culturally responsive counseling services to address diverse student needs.
Empower students to develop resilience, build meaningful connections and achieve their full potential.
We work with families, educators and the community to prepare students for a successful future.
Counseling services are available to all students. Our Counselors help with:
- Emotional well-being - individual and group counseling
- Personal matters - a safe space to talk
- Resources - connecting students with additional resources when needed
- Academic support - resources to support academic success
- Course selections - course registration and more
- College and career readiness - planning for the future
For appointments:
- Click the link below your Counselor's profile below
- Stop by the Student Services Office
- Call 952-431-8914
**Try to schedule during study hall to avoid missing instructional time.
The Counseling Team
Our Eastview High School Counseling Team:
Counseling Information
- News From The Counseling Office
- Counseling Office Newsletter Archive
- College Planning Night Seminar-January 23, 2023
- EVHS College Planning Night Presentation-March 11, 2022
- College Admission FAQs
- College Application Information
- Financial Aid Information
- Request Your Transcripts
- Schedule Review Process
- Scholarship Information
- Eastview 2024-2025 Assessment Calendar
News From The Counseling Office
Counseling Office Newsletter Archive
Friday, September 16, 2022
Friday, September 23, 2022
Friday October 14, 2022
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Friday, November 11, 2022
Friday, November 18, 2022
Friday, December 9, 2022
Friday, January 6, 2023
Friday, January 27, 2023
Friday, February 3, 2023
Friday, February 17, 2023
Friday, February 24, 2023
Friday, March 3, 2023
Friday, March 17, 2023
Friday, March 24, 2023
Friday, April 7, 2023
Friday, April 14, 2023
Friday, May 12, 2023
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
College Planning Night Seminar-January 23, 2023
Click here to see the presentation slides for our College Planning Seminar presented on Monday, January 23, 2023.
EVHS College Planning Night Presentation-March 11, 2022
Thank you to all that were able to make it to our Spring College Planning Night on March 10th. If you were unable to attend, you can view the presentation HERE.
Topics included: EVHS graduation requirements, college visits, choosing a college, college requirements, ACT and SAT testing, Naviance, and the necessary timelines in the application process.
College Admission FAQs
- What is the most important factor that colleges consider in making admissions decisions?
- What is the difference between Early Decision, Early Action, Regular Decision, and Rolling Admission?
- Should I apply Early Decision/Early Action? Will I have an advantage if I apply early?
- To how many colleges should I apply, and what is the "average" number of applications submitted by Eastview students?
- Where do I start in attempting to find the right match in a college? What should I do if I don't have a clue?
- What forms do I need to file for financial aid and when do I file them?
- If a college requests my semester grades prior to a final decision, do I need to request an official transcript? When are 7th semester grades/mid-year reports mailed?
- Is it necessary to take a prep course for the ACT/SAT, and when is the best time to consider such a course?
- What should I do if a college notifies me that my application is incomplete due to missing information?
- When is the best time to visit colleges?
- If I would like to contact former Eastview students when I visit colleges, how do I obtain this information?
- If I am a graduate of Eastview who intends to transfer from one college to another, how do I request my official Eastview transcript?
- How do I send test scores to colleges?
- If a college requests my quarter grades prior to a final decision, do I need to request an official transcript?
- When are 7th semester grades/mid-year reports sent?
What is the most important factor that colleges consider in making admissions decisions?
There is no magic formula when it comes to college admission decisions. However, a student's academic factors and their grades in college-preparatory classes remain the most significant factor in college admission decisions. Students should know that many factors influence admission decisions, including:
- Course taken and rigor of those courses
- Grades earned
- Standardized test scores
- Personal statements and essays
- Recommendations
- Cocurricular activities
- Interviews
- Special circumstances
It is important to understand what the requirements are for the colleges to which you are interested applying. You can find this information on their website or by contacting the Admissions Office.
What is the difference between Early Decision, Early Action, Regular Decision, and Rolling Admission?
Early Decision
is the admission program which is binding/contractual in nature. Students sign an agreement and commit in advance to attend the Early Decision college if admitted under its early program. At many colleges the deadline for receipt of the application is Nov. 1 or 15, and the student is then notified (Accept, Deny, Defer) six weeks after the deadline. If accepted under an Early Decision plan, the student must withdraw all other applications at other colleges.
Early Action
is an option on the same timetable as Early Decision, but the primary difference between the two programs is that Early Action is not a binding agreement; admitted students are not obligated to enroll. This option gives students flexibility in making a final decision because they are able to apply to multiple colleges and take the necessary time - visiting campuses, comparing financial aid offers, seeking opinions and gathering other information - to make a definitive and confident college choice.
Regular Decision
is the traditional process in which the student applies by the regular and final deadline (usually January 1st for most schools), and the institution responds with a decision by a specified date (usually April 1st). Regular Action allows more time to complete multiple applications and also allows more time for the student's counselor to provide assistance and guidance throughout the decision-laden process. Regular Action is clearly beneficial for those students whose candidacies will be strengthened by senior year extracurricular achievements and an improved academic performance in the final two semesters.
Rolling Admission
describes the application process in which an institution reviews applications as they are received and, if the application is complete, offers a non-binding decision to the student usually within two to five weeks of being reviewed. Students are not required to make a commitment until May 1 but are encouraged to do so as soon as a final decision is made. Rolling Admission is a process used primarily by large state universities where applications are reviewed on a continued basis up to a regular deadline. In some cases institutions will accept students as long as openings remain in their class or up until the beginning of the school year - whichever comes first.
Should I apply Early Decision/Early Action? Will I have an advantage if I apply early?
Applying early, whether ED or EA, is first and foremost a commitment to a college that it is absolutely your number one choice. There are both advantages and potential disadvantages to applying early, and the decision is not one to be entered into without considering all other options. A student who indicates that he/she wants to apply "somewhere" - without considering criteria that best match his/her academic interests, career goals, and personal needs is probably making a poor decision. The important questions to consider about applying early are:
- Have I carefully researched college opportunities over time and am I confident that ___________ is my absolute first choice?
- Is the college the best match for my academic strengths, academic interests, and educational goals?
- Is it natural to envision myself as a student on campus (for four years) more easily than at other colleges or universities?
- Is financial aid going to be a determining factor in my final decision on where to attend?
- Have I visited enough campuses to possess a strong frame of reference and comparison?
- Are my grades and standardized test scores equal to those students who were accepted at the school during the prior admission cycle?
- Will I have completed all standardized testing required for admission by the deadline (November is usually the last SAT test date accepted by colleges with early deadlines)?
- Does the college meet all or most of the criteria I have set in seeking the best possible match?
- Have I done as much as possible - written communication, visits, interview, contact with local representative - to make it known to the college that I possess a thorough understanding of the college and that my interest in applying early is genuine?
Answering these questions should assist students in determining if they are in fact making an informed decision or one based on fear and misinformation. More colleges are offering early programs and it appears that the number of students accepted under the early umbrella is climbing each year. It is no surprise that students are approaching the process with more anxiety and uncertainty than ever before. However, it should be noted that the higher acceptance rates for early admission candidates is a reflection of the remarkable strength of the early applicant pools - not less rigorous admissions standards.
To how many colleges should I apply, and what is the "average" number of applications submitted by Eastview students?
The average number of applications submitted by one student in any given year ranges from three to five. In narrowing down options and developing a final list of key criteria, it is important for a student to seek as much variation as possible with his/her final number of applications. If a student is submitting six applications, then it might follow that one or two are "stretch" schools, two or three are "target" schools, and at least one application covers the "fallback" or "safety" category. In addition, within a group of six applications there might distinct differences of cost, size, public vs. private, in-state vs. out-of-state, and other criteria that could diversify a student's range of options in the final outcome.
The golden rule of admissions is that you only apply to college you would gladly accept if you are admitted. Students who submit an excessive number of applications tend to believe (erroneously) that this will give them more options in the long run. A high number of applications usually means that a student has not done the necessary research (including campus visits) required to develop key criteria and narrow his/her options. Applying to a large number of schools has also been known to negatively impact a student's academic performance during senior year, and having a large number of acceptances in April usually makes the decision process more difficult, not easier, for a student and his/her family.
Where do I start in attempting to find the right match in a college? What should I do if I don't have a clue?
The beginning of the process in the junior year can seem like a daunting task when one considers that there are over 4,000 four-year schools in the United States. The diversity of the college world is unique and offers just about anything a student could possibly need for continuing his/her education … and more. The first step and perhaps the most difficult in starting the process is an honest and thoughtful self-assessment. Before considering schools based on popularity, name recognition, and rankings - the fallacy many students fall into - a student should begin to reflect on his/her own strengths and weaknesses, personal needs, and academic goals. What are you looking for in a college? In the process of developing criteria and looking at what criteria should play a defining role in your search, you may want to think about the following:
- What are you looking for in a college? Taking time to honestly evaluate your needs, strengths and weaknesses, and likes and dislikes is the first step toward making a good match. This should not be an easy or quick step. In fact, the process of true self-assessment is maybe the most difficult aspect of the college application process.
- Are your strengths and interests better suited for a large comprehensive university or a small liberal arts college?
- What are the relative merits of each for you?
- In what subjects or academic areas have you achieved the greatest success at Eastview? Is there an area or subject that you would like to pursue as a major?
- Do you wish to be in an urban environment, rural setting or suburban/college town? It is important to distinguish the merits of different environments and how the mix of learning, social, and cultural opportunities best fits with your interests and personality.
- Is there a particular region of the country where you would like to attend college? What are the advantages/disadvantages of being close to home or far from home? Try to avoid rigid thinking as you consider location and refrain from judgements based on hearsay.
- Visiting a variety of campuses in different locations is the best way to know first-hand which colleges provide the best opportunities for you.
- What are the merits of attending a public university instead of a private college or university, and vice versa?
- What type of personality are you seeking in a college? For example, every college has unique mix of progressive elements and tradition. Some colleges are intense while some are more relaxed; some are conservative and some are liberal; some are friendly and some are reserved; some are spirited and some are more serious.
- Once you've determined the criteria that are most important to you, the hard part is finding the right mix of personality in a college.
- Do I have enough talent as an athlete/artist/musician/dancer to receive special consideration from an admissions committee or a coach or director of the particular college? Your first step should be consulting with your coach or teacher and then discussing your goals with your college counselor.
These questions are a jumping off point. More questions are bound to surface as you visit campuses and begin to develop a reference and a sense of comparison.
What forms do I need to file for financial aid and when do I file them?
Every applicant seeking need-based aid at any college must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form is available and filed on-line, but may not be filed until after October 1 of the senior year. Most schools recommend that the FAFSA be filed by February 15 in order to receive full consideration for all need-based aid.
The other form, required primarily by private colleges and universities, is the CSS Financial Aid Profile , commonly referred to as simply "the profile". This form is available in the fall and should be filed as early as possible.
In addition to the FAFSA and the CSS/Financial Aid Profile, many colleges also require families to complete their school's own aid form, referred to as an "institutional" form. The institutional form is generally completed and filed with the student's application.
If a college requests my semester grades prior to a final decision, do I need to request an official transcript? When are 7th semester grades/mid-year reports mailed?
Is it necessary to take a prep course for the ACT/SAT, and when is the best time to consider such a course?
It is not necessary that a student enroll in a preparatory course for either standardized test. In fact, students have numerous opportunities already available for practice and preparation. Both the PLAN and the PSAT/NMSQT can be used by students to prepare for the ACT and SAT test. There are free guides and practice tests, provided by the test sponsors, available in the Guidance Office. And for the self-motivated student, there is a wealth of test-prep material available on disk, CD-ROM, on the Internet, or in book form at your local bookstore.
Test strategy workshops are not meant to help you develop the skills being measured.
Instead, they try to help students demonstrate abilities they already possess. The insights and confidence that characterize the best standardized-test takers cannot be taught. Conversely, a prep course will be of no value to a student who lacks motivation.
If a student is still enthusiastic about a test prep course after considering all the alternatives, the best time to take the course is either before the first test - spring of junior year, or between the first and second times taking the test.
What should I do if a college notifies me that my application is incomplete due to missing information?
Do not panic. As a matter of procedure, colleges will sometimes generate a "missing credentials" postcard or letter after an application has been initially processed. This does not mean that your application will be denied or that you will now be at a disadvantage in the admission process. It is advised that you contact the admissions office directly to determine if the missing information, usually test scores sent from the testing agencies, has arrived since the mailing of your notification. Remember, Eastview High School does not send official score reports to colleges/universities; it is the student's responsibility to request official score reports directly from the testing agencies.
Please remember to allow up to 15 days to process your reqeusts from Eastview High School. If, after checking with the college and sufficient time has passed, you are still in doubt about missing information, please notify your school counselor or Ms. Wellik as soon as possible.
When is the best time to visit colleges?
The best time to make a first visit to a college is in the early fall, a time when most campuses are full of activity and filled with students. However, several considerations are important in determining the best time for you to visit colleges. Before finalizing a trip, identify where you are in the college search process - this determines your purpose for making a campus visit.
- Will your visits be used to shop around and compile an initial list of colleges to consider?
- Are you visiting schools in an attempt to narrow down a complied list and decide where to apply?
- Have you already applied to schools, and are you in the process of assessing what college will be the best fit if you are accepted?
- Have you already received an acceptance, and are you visiting at the school's invitation for an overnight stay on campus before making your final decision.
Colleges offer tours and interviews on a year-round basis. So for students who cannot find the time to visit during the junior year, summer is obviously the best time to begin visiting.
If I would like to contact former Eastview students when I visit colleges, how do I obtain this information?
If I am a graduate of Eastview who intends to transfer from one college to another, how do I request my official Eastview transcript?
How do I send test scores to colleges?
If a college requests my quarter grades prior to a final decision, do I need to request an official transcript?
When are 7th semester grades/mid-year reports sent?
College Application Information
- College Application Steps for Common App Schools
- College Application Steps (Traditional Application Process)
- How To Request a Recommendation
- College Application Process Parent Presentation - September 20, 2021
College Application Steps for Common App Schools
Step 1: CREATE A USER ACCOUNT for the Common Application
Your Common App account should list ALL Common App colleges to which you are applying under ‘My Colleges’. It is important to keep this list updated. Remember, not all colleges accept the Common App. If a college is an exclusive Common App user, you must use CommonApp to apply. For schools that do not utilize the Common App, follow the application instructions on the college’s official website.
Step 2: COMPLETE THE ‘FERPA WAIVER’ [Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act].
The FERPA waiver is found in the 'Recommenders & FERPA' link in your online Common Application. You can only see the FERPA link once you add at least one school to your account. The waiver is a one‐time task that must be completed before any electronic documents will be sent to any Common App colleges. We recommend that you waive your right to access any records sent on your behalf. Common App schools usually require 1 or 2 teacher recommendations. Your Counselor will also provide a School Report and if requested, a letter of recommendation. EVHS is a NAVIANCE school, so recommendation requests occur through NAVIANCE, NOT the Common App.
Log into your Naviance Family Connection account. Click on the ‘colleges’ tab, then ‘colleges I’m applying to’. The Common App Account Matching screen (pink box) is displayed at the top of the page. Enter the email address you chose for the Common App account & your birthdate!
In your NAVIANCE Family Connection account, click on ‘colleges’, then ‘colleges I’m applying to’. If matched, colleges in My Colleges in Common App should now be listed in Naviance. IMPORTANT: keep this list updated so we can track your applications – Common App & non‐Common App colleges! In Naviance, you MUST tell us how you are submitting your application - using Common App? Or, direct to institution?
Step 5: TRANSCRIPTS – Request official transcripts to be sent to your colleges.
Log in to your NAVIANCE account. Open ‘colleges’ -> ‘colleges I’m applying to’ -> ‘request transcripts’. Select from ‘current applications’ already in your apply list, or add schools under ‘new applications’. Click Request Transcripts (bottom of the page).
NOTE: For each transcript requested on Naviance, the Counseling office will send your Counselor’s letter of recommendation (if requested), school report, and school profile to the respective college. You do NOT need to provide your teacher or Counselor with any recommender forms or School Report forms from Common App’s website. (Do complete recommender surveys – see below.) IMPORTANT - There is a $5 fee for each official transcript.
NOTE: Payment must be made through MyPaymentsPlus to send transcript:
All students MUST first ask their Counselor in person, and then complete the Counselor Recommendation Survey to obtain a Counselor recommendation. About Me tab -> Surveys to Take -> Counselor Recommendation. You MUST send your Counselor an email to confirm your request. Complete a resume in Naviance.
First, you must present yourself IN PERSON to the teacher to ask if they agree to write a letter for you. If they say “YES”, you must follow the steps listed in “Requesting Recommendations from EVHS Staff Members”. (Recommendation guidelines - under Resources to Get Ready and Document Resources-College Apps). Teachers send recommendations directly through Naviance. Indicate teacher recommenders in Naviance on the colleges page – this is absolutely required for the Common App! You must select which college(s) the request is for to avoid any confusion and to be sure you request only the number of letters accepted for each college. Be sure to THANK THEM and follow up on application results!
Step 8: Submit your ACT and/or SAT scores directly from the testing agency to the college.
Log in to your ACT and/or CollegeBoard account(s) to send scores your ACT and/or SAT scores. EVHS does NOT send official test scores.
Step 9: Follow up!
To view the status of your application package, check the Common App website and NAVIANCE.
College Application Steps (Traditional Application Process)
Your Common App account should list ALL Common App colleges to which you are applying under ‘My Colleges’. It is important to keep this list updated. Remember, not all colleges accept the Common App. If a college is an exclusive Common App user, you must use CApp to apply. For schools that do not utilize the Common App, follow the application instructions on the college’s official website.
Step 2: COMPLETE THE ‘FERPA WAIVER’ [Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act].
The FERPA waiver is found in the 'Recommenders & FERPA' link in your online Common Application. You can only see the FERPA link once you add at least one school to your account. The waiver is a one‐time task that must be completed before any electronic documents will be sent to any Common App colleges. We recommend that you waive your right to access any records sent on your behalf. Common App schools usually require 1 or 2 teacher recommenders. Your Counselor will also provide a School Report and if requested, a letter of recommendation. EVHS is a NAVIANCE school, so recommender requests occur through NAVIANCE, NOT the Common App.
Log into your Naviance Family Connection account. Click on the ‘colleges’ tab, then ‘colleges I’m applying to’. The Common App Account Matching screen (blue box) is displayed at the top of the page. Enter the email address you chose for the Common App account & your birthdate!
In your NAVIANCE Family Connection account, click on ‘colleges’, then ‘colleges I’m applying to’. If matched, colleges in My Colleges in Common App should now be listed in Naviance. IMPORTANT: keep this list updated so we can track your applications – Common App & non‐Common App colleges! In Naviance, you MUST tell us how you are submitting your application - using Common App? Or, direct to institution?
Once you complete Steps 1‐4, you may request official transcripts to be sent to your colleges. Log in to your NAVIANCE account. Open ‘colleges’ ‘colleges I’m applying to’ ‘request transcripts’. Select from ‘current applications’ already in your apply list, or add schools under ‘new applications’. Click Request Transcripts (bottom of the page). NOTE: For each transcript requested on Naviance, the Counseling office will send your Counselor’s letter of recommendation (if requested), school report, and school profile to the respective college. You do NOT need to provide your teacher or Counselor with any recommender forms or School Report forms from Common App’s website. (Do complete recommender surveys – see below.) IMPORTANT - There is a $5 fee for each official transcript. NOTE: Payment must be made through MyPaymentsPlus to send transcript.
All students MUST first ask their Counselor in person, and then complete the Counselor Recommendation Survey to obtain a Counselor recommendation. About Me tab Surveys to Take Counselor Recommendation. You MUST send your Counselor an email to confirm your request. Complete a resume in Naviance.
First you must present yourself IN PERSON to the teacher to ask if they agree to write a letter for you. If they say “YES”, you must follow the steps listed in “Requesting Recommendations from EVHS Staff Members”. (Recommendation guidelines - left side of home page in NAVIANCE) Teachers send recommendations directly through Naviance. Indicate teacher recommenders in Naviance on the colleges page – this is absolutely required for the Common App! You must select which college(s) the request is for to avoid any confusion and to be sure you request only the number of letters accepted for each college. Be sure to THANK THEM and follow up on application results! Step 8: You must submit your ACT and/or SAT scores directly from the testing agency to the college. Log in to your account(s) on (ACT) or (SAT) to send scores. EVHS does NOT send official test scores. Step 9: Follow up! To view the status of your application package, check the Common App website and NAVIANCE.
How To Request a Recommendation
College Application Process Parent Presentation - September 20, 2021
Click here to access the slides from the College Application Process Parent Presentation on September 20, 2021.
Financial Aid Information
Paying for College Night Recording:
Paying for College Night Presentation Slides:
Request Your Transcripts
Class of 2025
Transcripts for Class of 2025 seniors may be requested starting September 20th.
Transcript request must be made through the student NAVIANCE account (NOT parent’s Naviance account).
A transcript must be requested on Naviance AND paid for on EduTrak Connect before it will be sent.
Please allow a minimum of 10 days to process your transcript/recommendation request. Plan accordingly with the college deadline.
1. Access Naviance Family Connection.
2. Add colleges to your list.
Click on ‘colleges’, then ‘colleges I’m applying to’. Add all colleges to your apply list and choose correct deadlines.
3. Request Transcripts
In your ‘colleges’ tab, and ‘colleges I’m applying to’, open ‘request transcripts’. Select from ‘current applications’ already in your apply list, or add schools under ‘new applications’. Be sure to click Request Transcripts (bottom of the page) in order to submit the request. Upon completion of this process you will see a confirmation page with a green box. You may check back to the transcripts link at any time to view the status of requested transcripts.
4. NCAA Transcripts (only for student-athletes planning for athletic aid)
Go to your ‘colleges’ tab. Click on ‘transcripts’ on the left side of the page under ‘resources’. Select ‘request transcript for scholarship or athletics’. Enter all information as indicated. NCAA transcript: you must first register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. After you register with the NCAA, request the transcript on Naviance (as if it is a college) and pay for it on EduTrak Connect.
5. Pay for your transcript request.
There is a $5 fee for each official transcript.
Payment must be made through EduTrak Connect before your official transcript will be issued. (Fee waivers may be available for eligible students – see your Counselor.) Click on the gray shopping cart which is Student Fees. Scroll through list and look for the activity name ‘2024-2025 Transcripts’. Complete the form and add to the cart. Every transcript will have to be checked out in an individual transaction. There is a $5 fee for each official transcript.
Class of 2023 and class of 2024
Class of 2022 and before
Need Help With Transcripts?
Please contact Molly Wellik, college support staff, at 952-431- 8914 or at for any questions or concerns with the transcript process.
Schedule Review Process
As of 12:00pm on Monday, August 12, the online schedule review portal will be available for students to review class schedules for the 2024-25 school year. The portal will close at 5:00pm on Friday, August 16 so that we may continue to make corrections/adjustments to student schedules in preparation for the first day of school. Class schedules will be available in Infinite Campus by clicking here.
Students may only make change requests during Orientation Week with input from counselor, case manager, teacher and/or administrator for the following reasons:
- Level change–a class is determined to be too difficult (teacher input is required along with a description of intervention strategies from previous quarter).
- Student has not met a necessary prerequisite (teacher input is required).
- Make up or add a required course for graduation.
- Changes initiated at counselor/administrator/teacher discretion.
Schedule change requests that will NOT be accommodated include:
- Requests for a specific teacher
- Requests for a specific class period
- Requests for a specific study hall
- Requests for a specific lunch period
When reviewing your schedule:
For incoming 9th grade and other new students to Eastview High School, your completed schedules will be provided for you at Orientation on Monday, August 26th. You will have access to your school counselor at that time if you have schedule questions. Please note that as we make final adjustments to the EVHS master schedule prior to the first day of school, individual classes will remain the same, but teachers, periods, and/or locations may change. Final schedules will be available in Infinite Campus by 5:00pm on Monday, August 26th. Students should check their schedules at that time for final class periods and locations. We made staffing and scheduling decisions based on your course requests last spring, so changes will be limited. Only requests for corrections will be considered at this time. You may access the online schedule review process by clicking here . Or visit the Eastview Home page and go to FAMILIES --> COUNSELING --> SCHEDULE REVIEW PROCESS. |
Click on your counselor below to access the schedule change request form.
Ms. Greener (Students A - Caa)
Mr. Wanous (Students Cab - F)
Ms. Hitt/Ms. Hegy (Students Ga - Kal)
Ms. Jennings (Students Kam - Mat)
Ms. Fisher (Students Mau - Pets)
Ms. Scholen (Students Pett - Spi)
Mr. Olayiwola (Students Spj - Z)
Scholarship Information
View the scholarship list in your Naviance Account. Once in Naviance to to Colleges -> Scholarships and Money
Other website/resources are:
Eastview 2024-2025 Assessment Calendar
Mental Health Support
Additional Student Resources
- College Fair/College Visits
- Co-Located Mental Health Services
- Emergency Information
- Health Services
- Immunization
College Fair/College Visits
Co-Located Mental Health Services
District 196 and Eastview High School have partnered with Water’s Edge Counseling & Healing Center and Associated Clinic of Psychology with the help from a grant by the Minnesota Department of Human Services to provide mental health services to our students and families. Therapists from Water’s Edge and ACP provide services that include individual therapy, family therapy, individual skills training and family skills training in collaboration with the family and EVHS to provide the appropriate care for the student. Water’s Edge and ACP will work directly with your insurance provider on your behalf to answer questions and service will be provided regardless of your insurance coverage. If you have questions about a referral to this program, please connect with your Eastview school counselor.
Emergency Information
Health Services
The Nurse’s Office is located next to the Attendance Office. Any student who is ill or in need of first aid should see the nurse. The student should first get a pass from his/her classroom teacher – unless it is an emergency. If a student is too ill to remain in school, as determined by the nurse, the nurse will notify the parents and sign the student out of school. If this procedure is not followed, the absence will be considered unexcused and the possibility of a disciplinary action may follow. The student may be released only to their parent(s) or an adult designated by his/her parent(s).
Students who have prolonged illness, defined by three (3) consecutive days out of school, and are unable to attend school should contact the nurse for homework collection. There is a 24-48 hour turn around for homework collection.
Healthy students are successful students
Our school staff provide a variety of services that support a healthy learning community. We are committed to providing students with health conditions access to their education by facilitating their independence and creating a community of support by working collaboratively with the student, their family and district staff. School nurses promote optimal student health for optimal learning.
Establish healthy habits early to ensure your child’s success
Instilling healthy habits and routines (adequate sleep/nutrition) and consistent attendance ensures a student’s success in school even as early as kindergarten. We know that too many absences/tardies, for whatever reason, can cause children to fall behind both academically and socially.
To help ensure healthy habits consult with your health care provider regarding well-visits and immunizations, as well as maintain good hygiene.
District 196 follows guidance from leading health organizations (i.e. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health, American Academy of Pediatrics) to reduce the spread of communicable disease.
When unsure if your child should attend school, consult with a healthcare provider or contact your school nurse.
Children should stay home from school for the following reasons:
- Fever of 100.4 or higher - can return when fever free for 20 hours without fever reducing medication.
- Strep throat - can return after 12 hours of antibiotics and fever free for 20 hours without fever reducing medication.
- Vomiting or diarrhea (without a known reason) - can return 20 hours after last episode.
- Rash (without a known reason) with behavior change or fever of 100.4 or greater.
- Excessive coughing that persists and makes it difficult to participate in school.
- Not healthy enough to participate in routine school activities.
If a child becomes ill at school and needs to go home:
- The school nurse will call guardians listed in the child’s Infinite Campus record. Please update your contact information as needed, including emergency contacts.
- Students who are ill need to be picked up as soon as possible to prevent the spread of illness.
Guidance on other common health issues:
Pink eye guidance (conjunctivitis)
- There is no exclusion for pink eye unless the child has a fever of 100.4 or higher and/or is not healthy enough to participate in school activities (consult a health care provider for eye pain or reduced/blurry vision/recent eye trauma).
Head lice guidance (pediculus humanus capitis)
- There are no exclusions from school for head lice. While notifying your child's school is encouraged, it is not required.
- Notifications may be sent home with 3 or more known cases of head lice in a classroom within 1 month.
- Head lice is a common occurrence, is not related to personal cleanliness and has not been shown to spread at school.
- Parents/guardians are encouraged to regularly monitor for lice.
- If live lice are found at school, resources for treatment will be shared with parents/guardians.
- District Head Lice Information Sheet
Guidance on air quality and outdoor activity:
District 196 follows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools to determine adjustments needed. The CDC recommends that children get 60 or more minutes of physical activity each day. School administrators will work with their building nurse to:
- Reduce risk by modifying activities based on the EPA guidance
- Educate students and staff about risks and symptoms to watch for
- Be proactive in identifying individuals that could benefit from medication prior to activity when ordered, and
- Quickly identify those experiencing symptoms so they can receive first aid treatment.
Community Clinics
We are fortunate to have community the Diamondhead Clinic in Dakota County to support children and families who are in need of minor and routine health care services. You may consider this clinic if you are looking for routine physicals, sports or camp physicals, initial mental health screenings, and other basic health care needs. All families welcome regardless of insurance status.
All incoming students must provide proof of complete immunization records, as deemed by MN State law, or one of the legal alternatives. Beginning in the Fall 2014 all incoming 10th grade students will be required to provide proof of the Meningococcal vaccination or legal exemption.
For more information, call your doctor, clinic or health plan or visit our Health Services page.