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District 196 Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

In mid-August, all families with a child enrolled in District 196 received an email from the district with a link to the Overview of Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for the 2024-25 school year. 

The Overview of Student Rights and Responsibilities includes summaries of various student regulations, ranging from safety and security, data privacy, anti-discrimination, and much more. It also includes the district's discipline policy, detailing responses to different student behaviors, which vary based on the severity of the behavior, the student's grade level, and any previous violations. The 2024-25 handbook can be found at

The Overview of Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook is reviewed and updated annually to ensure compliance with state and federal notification requirements and school district policy. It was approved on June 10 by the School Board.

The handbook is posted in three languages, and a number of paper copies are available at each school upon request by district families. It is reviewed with all students in the fall.