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Weekly Announcements June 1-5, 2020



In the past few weeks, many Eastview virtual recognition awards and ceremony videos have premiered for all to enjoy.  If you haven’t had a chance to view them, you can find them all on the Eastview website.  The videos available to view are:

  • Academic Students of the Year
  • Senior Athletic Recognition
  • Military Recognition Ceremony
  • American Indian Graduation
  • All-School Awards Ceremony
  • Eastview Commencement - premiering June 6th at 7pm
  • Eastview Community Foundation Awards - coming soon



If you need help with your iPad at any time during the summer, please fill out this form for help: You’ll be able to get help with passwords, damage, lost iPads, apps or general iPad help by filling out this form. 

If you move during the summer and will NOT be attending Eastview or another district 196 school in the fall, please fill out the form to make arrangements for returning your iPad.



Graduate Processional: Saturday, June 6

A tradition at Eastview is that our faculty leads our graduates in their processional to graduation and sits with our graduates during the ceremony. We believe this celebrates our sense of community and further galvanizes the relationships our faculty have developed with our students. Continuing this tradition, we invite students together with their families to participate in a processional through our Eastview campus on Saturday, June 6 beginning at 4:30pm.  Please limit participation to one graduate and household per vehicle (multiple graduates in the same household may choose to ride together or separately).  In order to safely and effectively space out the processional, we ask that graduates sign up for arrival times and again ask that graduates follow the schedule by arriving at/as close to the time selected as possible. The processional will include our faculty and staff along the processional path to celebrate our graduates and will be led and supported by our Apple Valley Police Department and Apple Valley Fire Department.

•    Graduates will sign up for times to enter the processional by clicking here.

•    Cars will line up for the processional in the Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center parking lot (14421 Johnny Cake Ridge Road).

•    Our graduates and family members must remain in their cars and will be led in a procession by the Apple Valley Police Department.


Virtual Graduation Ceremony: Saturday, June 6

Our 2020 graduation will be virtual, with a live streamed ceremony at our originally scheduled time of 7:00pm on Saturday, June 6. Our immediate and extended Eastview learning community will have the opportunity to enjoy the celebration at the same time remotely from our homes. This virtual ceremony will include Ms. Campbell Bernstein as our student speaker (who auditioned for and earned this privilege), Ms. Mary Carberry, as our student selected faculty speaker, Board of Education member Craig Angrimson, music by our Concert Choir performed virtually, and Mr. Zach Prax and Ms. Joy Hanson reading the names of every graduating student as a photo of students with their name & honors (Eastview awarded academic regalia) are displayed.


Diploma Presentation and Opportunity for Photo: Saturday, June 6-Tuesday, June 9

To continue the tradition of the diploma presentation, it is an option for each graduate to come to Eastview High School during available times on Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, June 6-9, to individually receive their diploma. 

•    Students will sign up for a specific time to receive their diploma, and have the opportunity for photos by clicking here.  

•    Each graduate may bring up to 4 family members with them to celebrate this moment. 

•    Students will wear their cap, gown and EVHS issued academic regalia. 

•    Students will bring their iPads & chargers, textbooks, band instruments, music concert attire, and any other learning materials to return during this time.

•    An accompanying family member may take the photo of the graduate on the stage with diploma. 

•    Public health parameters will be followed; social distancing protocol and masks must be worn (and removed for a photo, if desired). We will have masks available upon entrance to the building.    

•    Students choosing not to attend this presentation will have their diploma mailed to them.

•    If you are unable to attend, more information will be provided for additional times to return your learning materials on June 10 and 11 (iPads, chargers, textbooks, etc).


Transportation/Special Needs

If a graduate needs transportation to accommodate any of these items, please contact Ann DeMarco at Also, if a graduate is high-risk or lives with someone who is high-risk and cannot come to Eastview, we can certainly make a special plan for that situation as well. Please contact Ms. DeMarco for more information. 



The senior party planning committee wants to thank the administration, teachers and parents for all of their support this year. With each change the pandemic brought, our committee modified the plans and held out hope that we could still put on a real celebration for the graduates. Unfortunately, we have run out of options for a party tied to graduation and are issuing refunds to those who purchased tickets. The committee will continue to meet into the summer to determine how to allocate the remaining funds for the Class of 2020.



9-12 Locker Items Pickup/Textbook Return will be June 5 (8am-4pm), June 10 (12pm-7pm), June 11 (7am-5pm). Students will sign up for times to return textbooks and pick up locker items during these times. Click here to sign up:  Pickup Schedule.  Students planning to return to Eastview in the fall do not need to return iPads.  If you are high-risk or live with someone who is high-risk and cannot come to Eastview, please contact your counselor.  



The printing of this year’s yearbooks is behind schedule due to the current situation. We are expecting the yearbooks to arrive at Eastview High School later this month. We will share a message via the Announcements regarding a plan to get yearbooks to students and also how to purchase additional yearbooks that will be available.



Valley Images, our official school photographer, is offering current juniors a FREE senior yearbook photo for next year.  The special offer is valid until June 30th, 2020.  This package includes a two-pose sitting and delivery of the selected photo to the Eastview Yearbook staff at no charge.   You can contact Valley Images at 952-423-1200.  Please go here for more information about next year’s senior yearbook photos and purchasing a Grad Ad for your student as well as the Valley Images offer.




Any student who is heading to college in the fall must request their final transcript by noon on June 10th to the college, university, or program you will attend. Your college of admission expects that you successfully complete your senior year and will review this transcript. It is important to finish strong.

See the instructions for specific details for how to release your final transcript here.

Also, please make sure you have updated your college of enrollment on your senior survey AND the Naviance ‘Colleges’ page. Go to Naviance > Colleges> Colleges I am Applying To > College I am Attending (at the bottom of the page).

We wish you the best, Class of 2020!



The ACT is rescheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2020 for the class of 2021 as a makeup from April 7th. Students will be automatically signed up for this free option and most colleges have assured flexibility with admissions timelines. 

Students have the option to take a national ACT on the weekend before or after this date. Students need to register (, pay on their own (or request a fee waiver), and work with ACT should the test date be cancelled or postponed. 

The district 196 schools will not host the June or July national ACT exams due to the coronavirus pandemic. Our schools have not been given permission from the Governor and are unable to follow all safety guidelines per the CDC for these testing environments. Students can try and register at another site for a summer ACT, but if it is cancelled ACT may give you the option to move your registration to a later test date or different location. You will want to work with ACT on any questions related to the national weekend ACT exams and potential cancellations. If a student takes a summer ACT and decides not to take the October 6th in school ACT, they can still request a reimbursement. 

An email was sent last  week to all junior families with additional information and specifics.

Free ACT prep resources are available to all students in their Naviance Student Account, under Resources to Get Ready. Students can learn more about using Naviance Test Prep in this video



The Pre-ACT is rescheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2020. This means that this year’s sophomores (class of 2022) will take the Pre-ACT at the start of their junior year and will take the ACT on March 30, 2021, as currently scheduled. 



  • Use Naviance as a great resource for you right now and utilize the 11th Grade Checklist of items you should be working on.
  • Credit Check- It is critical for your progress towards graduation that you each complete a credit check to insure you have all the necessary courses needed to meet the graduation requirements.  In order to do this accurately, you will need to open up your transcript by going on Infinite Campus (Open EVHS Homepage→ Families→ Infinite Campus→ Use student # as Username & Password→ Reports→ Transcript), and then complete the Credit Checklist that is included here. If you are short on credits or have questions, please notify your Counselor ASAP.  




The Dakota County Library Summer Discovery reading program will be available June 8-July 31!  

    • Open to all kids and teens ages Birth - entering Grade 12. 
    • To participate, visit any Dakota County Library locationand pick up a Summer Discovery bag outside the building between 9 am and 5 pm between June 8 and July 31. One bag per person for the summer, please.
    • This bag will contain: a bookmark, a booklet with different activities to try out, an instruction sheet, and a free book! The book will be a surprise, but you will be able to choose the right category for you. 

-Curbside pick-up is available for items in our branches--see the web page for more info. The basics: 1) Place a hold on our catalog. 2) When you are notified that the hold is available, call to schedule a pickup. 3) Pick up items at your appointment time.

-Ebooks and audiobooks from cloud Library, Hoopla, and RB Digital. 1) Install the app on your iPad. 2) Create an account. 3) Check out materials. 

-Homework help online through HelpNow. Live tutoring via IM, and feedback on essays.

-LearningExpressLibrary for AP and ACT practice tests and study guides.

-Student Cards All Eastview students have a library card that they can use to access any of the above items. Card number is 196###### where ###### is the student's school ID number. PIN can be reset here if student does not know it.


Food Scarcity 

According to the school closure guidance received from Minnesota Department of Education, all children 18 and under are eligible to receive free meals. Beginning March 30, breakfast and lunch bags can be picked up at Cedar Park Elementary, Dakota Ridge, Echo Park Elementary, Oak Ridge Elementary and Thomas Lake Elementary from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday-Friday. 

·We will also have five-day meal kits available for drop-off on Monday mornings at convenient neighborhood locations. These kits contain five breakfasts and five lunches. View the list of neighborhood sites.


Crisis help - If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact Dakota County Crisis Line 952-891-7171, 800-274-TALK, or call 911.


No Wifi/Technology Issues

· Free Internet Access at Home - Some internet service providers are offering free Internet access to families for 60 days to help during this time of remote learning.  

· Comcast – Making their Internet Essentials offering for low-income families free for 60 days

· Use the info below to apply:

· - online application

· Call 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish

· Includes 25Mbps download/3Mbps upload speeds

· Waiving data limits for existing customers (unlimited data at no additional cost)


Transcripts/College or PSEO related questions - Please contact your counselor directly for any transcript, college, or PSEO related questions. Please note the required forms are found on the PSEO schoology group.


Distance Learning Questions - We encourage students to set a schedule, be sure to log into Schoology everyday between 9:00-1:00pm, and if you have questions relating to an assignment, please contact your teacher directly. 

We are here to support you and we look forward to seeing you back at Eastview High School soon. Stay healthy and take care of each other!





Regarding athletics this summer- please know that all opportunities offered are done so with specific guidance from the District 196 Pandemic Team, Minnesota State High School League, the Minnesota Department of Health, The National Federation of High School Athletics as well as Minnesota Department of Education and the Governor’s Office.  This information is very fluid so what we are sharing today is only what we know as of now. Based on the recommendations of those groups here are the basics of our current plan:

  • MSHSL Summer Waiver will begin for in-person contact on June 15th.  All contact prior to June 15th must be virtual.
  • The plan is to open up outdoor only activities at District 196 facilities starting June 15th
  • The plan is to open up some indoor facilities in District 196 (Gyms, larger spaces such as commons areas on July 6th,
  • The indoor weightroom facilities in District 196 remain closed until further notice.
  • Guidelines regarding the use of any non-district 196 facilities is up to the owner of each facility. (for example county parks, ice arenas, golf courses, private gyms etc.)
  • Each step along the way is known as a “phase.”  Starting June 15th we will be in Phase 1 which includes “Pods” of 10 or less including the coach or instructor and does not allow for the use of shared equipment (i.e. a ball) going from one person to another as it requires disinfecting each time someone touches it.
  • Phases will be determined by the above mentioned organizations and confirmed by the District 196 Pandemic Team prior to advancing to the next phase.
  • Pods must remain consistent throughout the duration of the camp.  In addition, each space has limits on how many pods (i.e. a regulation sized football/soccer/lacrosse field can accommodate up to 4 pods, an ice rink 2 pods and a basketball/volleyball court 1 pod.
  • All coaches will be required to submit a safety plan that must be approved by the District 196 Pandemic Team.
  • All participants will be required to review and agree to follow all safety requirements outlined by the plan.
  • There will not be access to locker rooms, indoor restrooms etc.
  • Students are required to provide their own equipment when applicable and all equipment is required to be disinfected prior to use by any other person.

As far as general physical development/weight training/super group options we will be providing the following:

#1 A free virtual option with workouts provided on a weekly basis (continuation of what is currently available) throughout the summer.  These workouts can be completed at any time at a student’s own location without the need for any equipment.

#2 We are putting together an in-person, outdoor, pod-based Super Group opportunity.  Online Registration will be available the week of June 8th on Fee Pay and specifics will be sent out as soon as they are available.  These workouts will be outdoors until given clearance to return indoors in pod settings and will adhere to strict safety protocols.  There will be a fee for this in-person option.

As far as the fall is concerned, all of our Minnesota State High School League Fall Sports are currently scheduled to begin on Monday, August 17th.  The sports scheduled to start on that date included Adapted Soccer, Boys and Girls Cross Country, Football, Boys and Girls Soccer, Girls Swim and Dive, Girls Tennis and Girls Volleyball.  We will keep you posted on any changes to that date as we learn more.

If you are ever in need of sport specific information our Head Coach Contact information it can be found here:

If we can ever be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to reach out.  As we are still working remotely on most days the best way to reach us is via email:

Matt Percival, Athletic Director (

Joan Beckmann, Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director (



There will be an Eastview Girls Basketball informational meeting on June 8th at 2:30PM, VIA ZOOM.  If you are interested in attending the meeting and need ZOOM information, please message Coach Kasper on Schoology or email at



Attention all Eastview High School families (and especially incoming Freshmen!) who are interested in learning more about different opportunities in Minnesota State High School League sponsored athletics available at Eastview High School.  Currently we offer 36 different MSHSL sports in District 196.  Normally this time of year many of our teams would be sharing information about how to get involved in summer opportunities as well as more details about their seasons, tryout dates, parent and booster meetings etc.  Given our current circumstances we want to be sure you are “in the loop” on all necessary and important communications.  Some of you may already be receiving regular communications from your sport of interest.  If you are not receiving information, or if you want to update where you are receiving communication please assist us in getting you the right information by filling out this short form:  Athletic Communication Request Form



Eastview’s spring strength coaches (Shannon Rainey, Troy Swanson, Kurt Habeck) are creating optional weekly workouts for all student athletes to participate in.  Each week there will be a Zoom meeting to discuss the workouts for the week, instruction and motivational mindset training.  There will be a balanced approach with focus on strength, speed, and conditioning.  IT’S FREE! 

Below is information on how student athletes can sign-up and a link to our weekly Zoom meetings.  

Super Group - Mondays @ 4:00pm    

Sign-Up Link –  Spring Super Group 2020          

Join Zoom Meeting –      Super Group Zoom  



Due to the cancellation of Spring sports and the extension of distance learning through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, The Eastview Dance Team will not be holding Spring tryouts for the Fall and Winter teams. Tryouts for the Fall Team are tentatively set for the week of August 10. Tryouts for the Winter Team will take place on October 19-20, the first 2 days of the winter competitive season.

If you have not yet registered for auditions, please register now to receive communication about summer training, camps and workshops. Only those registered will be sent information about these opportunities.

Register at

Please contact Head Coach, Jenny Raiche ( with any additional questions.



2020-21 Eastview Cheerleading Tryouts for the Varsity Football Sideline and Varsity Competition Team are to be determined at a later date.  Tryouts are open to incoming Freshman and all existing students coming back next year.  If you are interested in cheering at Eastview or if you have any questions, please send us an email to:

In the meantime, feel free to visit the links below to familiarize yourself with cheerleading.  They include our cheer motions for the school song and some material from the Universal Cheerleading Association. It is all optional, but the material might help better prepare yourself for our future tryouts.  Just have FUN with it and see how well you do! 

Cheer Fight Song

UCA Tryout Kit 

Click on the link. Scroll down.  Click on each to get to the material.

Click on Sideline and Cheer.  

Click on Dances

Click on Music


We look forward to seeing you soon.  

Good luck, best wishes and be safe!

The Eastview Cheer Program  - 




Thank you to Kellie Sagmoen-Scales and our Voices staff (listed below) for completing our Voices Literary Arts magazine remotely.  Below is a link to view the online version of the magazine.  Please congratulate these students if the opportunity arises.

Alexis Anike

Kendyl Green

Khanhlinh Lambuu

Anuchit Tawong

Amy Brewster

Valerie Nguyen

Allison Champ

KC Meredyk

Rachel Guite

Sylvia Berger

Abby Rajala


VOICES Magazine Link



Please help congratulate the Eastview Class of 2021 book award winners. These students were notified of their award at a special zoom meeting last Friday with Mr. Miller, Ms. Hanson, and their Counselor. 

Eastview High School Class of 2021 Book Awards

  • Brandeis - Alli Hering
  • Bryn Mawr - Ella Erdahl
  • Dartmouth - Thor Reimann
  • George Washington - Olivia Beach
  • Harvard - Vikash Giritharan
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Sydney Chen
  • Yale - Arie Moussougan



The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is meeting every Monday night at 7 PM in a digital format! We are still getting together and having a blast doing games complete with prizes (we delivered pizzas and jimmy johns to your door last Monday!), music, question and answer time, and great messages delivered by our speakers!  For more information you can join the REMIND app by texting the number 81010 with the message @FCAisfun or joining us on instagram at FCA.evhs.rhs  We are on Instagram live every Monday at 7 PM. Can’t wait to see you there!