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Weekly Announcements May 18-22, 2020



9-12 Locker Items Pickup/Textbook Return will be June 5 (8am-4pm), June 10 (12pm-7pm), June 11 (7am-5pm). Students will sign up for times to return textbooks and pickup locker items during these time. The link will be sent to you soon.  Students planning to return to Eastview in the fall do not need to return iPads.  If you are high-risk or live with someone who is high-risk and cannot come to Eastview, please contact your counselor.  (NOTE:  Graduates also have additional opportunities to return items during Cap/Gown pickup and during their diploma presentation (see below for more information).  



Cap, Gown and Regalia, Locker Items Pickup

Caps, gowns and Eastview issued academic regalia will be available for curbside distribution. Seniors can sign up for a pick-up time by clicking here and are asked to follow the schedule by arriving at the selected time. This will also be a time for graduates to collect items left in their locker, or return any textbooks and iPads & chargers that are no longer being used. If locker contents need to be picked up, please indicate this by adding a special request during sign-up so we can have items ready for you for curbside pickup. Students will sign up for times to pick up their items by clicking here.

•    The pickup location will be near curbside near the lower west side entrance (between the building and the bus corral).

•    Please remain in your car unless prior arrangements have been made for PE/Athletic locker access.

•    Based upon the sign up times, academic lockers will be cleared and belongings bagged in advance.

•    For athletic/PE lockers, students will be allowed, one at a time, to enter the building to retrieve their items.

•    Please remain in your car unless prior arrangements have been made for PE/Athletic locker access.


Graduate Processional: Saturday, June 6

A tradition at Eastview is that our faculty leads our graduates in their processional to graduation and sits with our graduates during the ceremony. We believe this celebrates our sense of community and further galvanizes the relationships our faculty have developed with our students. Continuing this tradition, we invite students together with their families to participate in a processional through our Eastview campus on Saturday, June 6 beginning at 4:30pm.  Please limit participation to one graduate and household per vehicle (multiple graduates in the same household may choose to ride together or separately).  In order to safely and effectively space out the processional, we ask that graduates sign up for arrival times and again ask that graduates follow the schedule by arriving at/as close to the time selected as possible. The processional will include our faculty and staff along the processional path to celebrate our graduates and will be led and supported by our Apple Valley Police Department and Apple Valley Fire Department.

•    Graduates will sign up for times to enter the processional by clicking here.

•    Cars will line up for the processional in the Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center parking lot (14421 Johnny Cake Ridge Road).

•    Our graduates and family members must remain in their cars and will be led in a procession by the Apple Valley Police Department.


Virtual Graduation Ceremony: Saturday, June 6

Our 2020 graduation will be virtual, with a live streamed ceremony at our originally scheduled time of 7:00pm on Saturday, June 6. Our immediate and extended  Eastview learning community will have the opportunity to enjoy the celebration at the same time remotely from our homes. This virtual ceremony will include Ms. Campbell Bernstein as our student speaker (who auditioned for and earned this privilege), Ms. Mary Carberry, as our student selected faculty speaker, Board of Education member Craig Angrimson, music by our Concert Choir performed virtually, and Mr. Zach Prax and Ms. Joy Hanson reading the names of every graduating student as a photo of students with their name & honors (Eastview awarded academic regalia) are displayed.


Diploma Presentation and Opportunity for Photo: Saturday, June 6-Tuesday, June 9

To continue the tradition of the diploma presentation, it is an option for each graduate to come to Eastview High School during available times on Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, June 6-9, to individually receive their diploma. 

•    Students will sign up for a specific time to receive their diploma, and have the opportunity for photos by clicking here.  

•    Each graduate may bring up to 4 family members with them to celebrate this moment. 

•    Students will wear their cap, gown and EVHS issued academic regalia. 

•    Students will bring their iPads & chargers, textbooks, band instruments, music concert attire, and any other learning materials to return during this time.

•    An accompanying family member may take the photo of the graduate on the stage with diploma. 

•    Public health parameters will be followed; social distancing protocol and masks must be worn (and removed for a photo, if desired). We will have masks available upon entrance to the building.    

•    Students choosing not to attend this presentation will have their diploma mailed to them.

•    If you are unable to attend, more information will be provided for additional times to return your learning materials on June 10 and 11 (iPads, chargers, textbooks, etc).


Transportation/Special Needs

If a graduate needs transportation to accommodate any of these items, please contact Ann DeMarco at Also, if a graduate is high-risk or lives with someone who is high-risk and cannot come to Eastview, we can certainly make a special plan for that situation as well. Please contact Ms. DeMarco for more information. 



The senior party planning committee wants to thank the administration, teachers and parents for all of their support this year. With each change the pandemic brought, our committee modified the plans and held out hope that we could still put on a real celebration for the graduates. Unfortunately, we have run out of options for a party tied to graduation and are issuing refunds to those who purchased tickets. The committee will continue to meet into the summer to determine how to allocate the remaining funds for the Class of 2020.


You can still honor your graduate with a senior poster! In keeping with the tradition of lining the halls of the school with senior posters on graduation night, our committee is creating a slideshow of all the senior posters. The best part is that the slideshow will be something your graduate can keep forever. You can participate in one of two ways. Option one is to create a poster digitally with Cornerstone who will print out and laminate a poster as well as provide a digital image for the slideshow. Your other option is to create your poster at home and send in a photo for the slideshow. All poster submissions will be due by June 4th. If you are interested in having a poster made, please contact the committee at for instructions. A new order form and instructions will also be available shortly on



First Aid classes from Quarter 3 - please be sure to refer to the email giving specifics for the online signup for locker cleanout.  First Aid kits will also be available for pickup on that day.



Valley Images, our official school photographer, is offering current juniors a FREE senior yearbook photo for next year.  The special offer is valid until June 30th, 2020.  This package includes a two-pose sitting and delivery of the selected photo to the Eastview Yearbook staff at no charge.   You can contact Valley Images at 952-423-1200.  Please go here for more information about next year’s senior yearbook photos and purchasing a Grad Ad for your student as well as the Valley Images offer.



Registration is now open for the Minnesota Writing Project's online writing workshops for kids entering grades 7–12 as well as families with kids entering grades 4–6. As part of the University of Minnesota's Center for Writing, theirsummer camps debuted to much success two summers ago, but because of the pandemic, they’re moving to an online workshop format this summer.

These June writing workshops feature small student/teacher ratios and are led by practicing licensed K–12 teachers who are leaders in their field. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the following writing topics and genres of their interest in a fun and supportive environment:

·  Family Writing Workshop (for families with kids entering grades 4–6)

·  Flash Fiction (grades 7 & 8 and 9 & 10)

·  Harry Potter Fanfiction (grades 7 & 8)

·  Interactive Fiction (grades 7 & 8)

·  Nonlinear Storytelling (grades 9–12)

·  Rhymes, Rhythm, & Poetry (grades 9–12)

·  Scary Stories (grades 7 & 8 and 9–12)

·  Superhero Stories (grades 7 & 8)

·  Young People Destroy Science Fiction and Fantasy! (grades 7 & 8 and 9–12)

These week-long workshops include five hour-long group sessions with a licensed teacher and daily emails with at least two hours of activities as well as reading or writing extension options. The cost of each workshop has been reduced to $125. Only one registration per household is needed for the Family Writing Workshop. Sibling discounts and need-based scholarships are also available! 

More information and registration information can be found on the  Summer Camps webpage. Check out the downloadable flyer or contact Lee Fisher ( with questions.  



As we continue to live in these uncertain times, many of us are looking for ways to return to some semblance of “normal”.  Many look to do this by getting outside and working in our gardens.  Eisele Greenhouse has been a tremendous supporter of Eastview and Eastview Football.  They have asked to continue this support and hope that you can support them as well.  During the month of May, they will give back 15% of all sales by Eastview supporters to the Lightning Football Program.  

People can order in store, over the phone, by email, or via their website at:

Eisele Greenhouse:

8350 160th St W

Lakeville, MN  55044


**For your convenience, all orders are available curbside pickup THE NEXT DAY between 12-6pm! **

Whether you place an order via email, on their website, in store, or call them directly, we need you to mention Eastview Football or Eastview High School!  Again, 15% of all sales support the Lightning Football program.

We understand that many of you may be struggling with your own financial issues.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if Lightning Football can somehow provide assistance.

We thank Eisele Greenhouse and the Eastview community, families and friends for their continued support.





Sometimes life can be overwhelming and it can be hard to work through difficult times. One resource that District 196 is making available for families is a virtual calming room, a site with various tools for calming and relaxation, like Sounds & Music, Guided Practice, Smartphone Apps, and more.  This Virtual Calming Room was designed to assist in identifying different strategies for managing emotions. We hope these tools will provide helpful outlets and practices for when life gets tough.





Any student who is heading to college in the fall must request their final transcript by noon on June 10th to the college, university, or program you will attend. Your college of admission expects that you successfully complete your senior year and will review this transcript. It is important to finish strong.

See the instructions for specific details for how to release your final transcript here.

Also, please make sure you have updated your college of enrollment on your senior survey AND the Naviance ‘Colleges’ page. Go to Naviance > Colleges> Colleges I am Applying To > College I am Attending (at the bottom of the page).

We wish you the best, Class of 2020!



The ACT is rescheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2020 for the class of 2021 as a makeup from April 7th. Students will be automatically signed up for this free option and most colleges have assured flexibility with admissions timelines. 

Students have the option to take a national ACT on the weekend before or after this date. Students need to register (, pay on their own (or request a fee waiver), and work with ACT should the test date be cancelled or postponed. 

The district 196 schools will not host the June or July national ACT exams due to the coronavirus pandemic. Our schools have not been given permission from the Governor and are unable to follow all safety guidelines per the CDC for these testing environments. Students can try and register at another site for a summer ACT, but if it is cancelled ACT may give you the option to move your registration to a later test date or different location. You will want to work with ACT on any questions related to the national weekend ACT exams and potential cancellations. If a student takes a summer ACT and decides not to take the October 6th in school ACT, they can still request a reimbursement. 

An email was sent last  week to all junior families with additional information and specifics.

Free ACT prep resources are available to all students in their Naviance Student Account, under Resources to Get Ready. Students can learn more about using Naviance Test Prep in this video



The Pre-ACT is rescheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2020. This means that this year’s sophomores ( class of 2022) will take the Pre-ACT at the start of their junior year and will take the ACT on March 30, 2021, as currently scheduled. 



These workshops are for students interested in college, work based learning and the military. Attendees will receive tools to map out post-secondary planning including college and scholarship search, military options and more. 

Drop in hours – every Wednesday at 12 PM CST in May - Register



  • Use Naviance as a great resource for you right now and utilize the 11th Grade Checklist of items you should be working on.
  • Credit Check- It is critical for your progress towards graduation that you each complete a credit check to insure you have all the necessary courses needed to meet the graduation requirements.  In order to do this accurately, you will need to open up your transcript by going on Infinite Campus (Open EVHS Homepage→ Families→ Infinite Campus→ Use student # as Username & Password→ Reports→ Transcript), and then complete the Credit Checklist that is included here. If you are short on credits or have questions, please notify your Counselor ASAP.  




-Curbside pick-up is available for items in our branches--see the web page for more info. The basics: 1) Place a hold on our catalog. 2) When you are notified that the hold is available, call to schedule a pickup. 3) Pick up items at your appointment time.

-Ebooks and audiobooks from cloud Library, Hoopla, and RB Digital. 1) Install the app on your iPad. 2) Create an account. 3) Check out materials. 

-Homework help online through HelpNow. Live tutoring via IM, and feedback on essays.

-LearningExpressLibrary for AP and ACT practice tests and study guides.

-Student Cards All Eastview students have a library card that they can use to access any of the above items. Card number is 196###### where ###### is the student's school ID number. PIN can be reset here if student does not know it.


Food Scarcity 

According to the school closure guidance received from Minnesota Department of Education, all children 18 and under are eligible to receive free meals. Beginning March 30, breakfast and lunch bags can be picked up at Cedar Park Elementary, Dakota Ridge, Echo Park Elementary, Oak Ridge Elementary and Thomas Lake Elementary from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday-Friday. 

·We will also have five-day meal kits available for drop-off on Monday mornings at convenient neighborhood locations. These kits contain five breakfasts and five lunches. View the list of neighborhood sites.


Crisis help - If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact Dakota County Crisis Line 952-891-7171, 800-274-TALK, or call 911.


No Wifi/Technology Issues

· Free Internet Access at Home - Some internet service providers are offering free Internet access to families for 60 days to help during this time of remote learning.  

· Comcast – Making their Internet Essentials offering for low-income families free for 60 days

· Use the info below to apply:

· - online application

· Call 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish

· Includes 25Mbps download/3Mbps upload speeds

· Waiving data limits for existing customers (unlimited data at no additional cost)


Transcripts/College or PSEO related questions - Please contact your counselor directly for any transcript, college, or PSEO related questions. Please note the required forms are found on the PSEO schoology group.


Distance Learning Questions - We encourage students to set a schedule, be sure to log into Schoology everyday between 9:00-1:00pm, and if you have questions relating to an assignment, please contact your teacher directly. 

We are here to support you and we look forward to seeing you back at Eastview High School soon. Stay healthy and take care of each other!





On Wednesday, May 20th, we released the first-ever Virtual Senior Athletic Awards Ceremony!  We honored our Class of 2020 Seniors who participated in Minnesota State High School League Athletics this past year.  The ceremony was approximately 40 minutes in length.  We  recognized all of our Senior Letter Award Winners from MSHSL sports programs, Lightning Award Winners, Three Sport Athletes, Class of 2020 members who will be going on to compete in athletics in college as well as our Athletic Department End of Year Award Winners including our Student-Athletes and Scholar Athletes of the Year.

Here is the link:

Please take the time to watch this first-ever event to honor the Class of 2020 Senior Athletes……there is definitely a lot to celebrate!



The “Be the Light” campaign was a powerful way to recognize and celebrate our student-athletes in recent weeks, especially our graduating seniors.  “Be the Light” was started around the state as a campaign to specifically honor the student-athletes who no longer had the opportunity to compete in the activities that they love.

We have put together a video tribute that captures footage of “Be the Light” at Eastview along with sharing a heartfelt message to the Class of 2020 put to video and music using just some of the many hundreds of photos capturing a few moments from this past school year.   Thank you to the students of EVHS for being the inspiration for this video as you truly are our shining lights.  Special thanks to Eastview alums Hayley Miller (2019) for compiling all of the footage and editing the video and Sam Bauler (2005) of Valley Images for providing many of the images.  Thanks also to Eastview Senior Parent and longtime Eastview announcer, Jim Carroll, for providing the voice over script and delivery and to Emily Raiche (sister of Eastview Dance Team Coach Jenny Raiche) for providing the music and sound editing.  We hope you thoroughly enjoy this special tribute:

Please note that across District 196 Monday, May 11 was the last night we will be turning our stadium lights on across the district as construction has begun on the turf projects at Eagan and Rosemount (we look forward to this process at Eastview in the Summer of 2021!) and as the weather improves and as it stays light longer into the evening we cannot guarantee proper social distancing and health protocols are adhered to at our stadiums. Be the Light has served as a great bridge to several upcoming events that will be happening in the days and weeks ahead to honor our Seniors.



There will be an online zoom meeting for incoming freshmen who plan to try out for girls volleyball next fall next Thursday, May 28 at 7pm. We will cover information about summer activities as well as what to expect for the fall. Anyone planning on playing who misses the meeting should email Coach Dehnel at  

Topic: 2020 Lightning Volleyball Incoming Freshmen Meeting

Time: May 28, 2020 07:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 921 3403 6504

Password: 9TFBvg



Eastview’s spring strength coaches (Shannon Rainey, Troy Swanson, Kurt Habeck) are creating optional weekly workouts for all student athletes to participate in.  Each week there will be a Zoom meeting to discuss the workouts for the week, instruction and motivational mindset training.  There will be a balanced approach with focus on strength, speed, and conditioning.  IT’S FREE! 

Below is information on how student athletes can sign-up and a link to our weekly Zoom meetings.  

Super Group - Mondays @ 4:00pm   ** Tuesday, 5/26 next week.     

Sign-Up Link –  Spring Super Group 2020          

Join Zoom Meeting –      Zoom Link 





Due to the cancellation of Spring sports and the extension of distance learning through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, The Eastview Dance Team will not be holding Spring tryouts for the Fall and Winter teams. Tryouts for the Fall Team are tentatively set for the week of August 10. Tryouts for the Winter Team will take place on October 19-20, the first 2 days of the winter competitive season.

If you have not yet registered for auditions, please register now to receive communication about summer training, camps and workshops. Only those registered will be sent information about these opportunities.

Register at

Please contact Head Coach, Jenny Raiche ( with any additional questions.



2020-21 Eastview Cheerleading Tryouts for the Varsity Football Sideline and Varsity Competition Team are to be determined at a later date.  Tryouts are open to incoming Freshman and all existing students coming back next year.  If you are interested in cheering at Eastview or if you have any questions, please send us an email to:  

In the meantime, feel free to visit the links below to familiarize yourself with cheerleading.  They include our cheer motions for the school song and some material from the Universal Cheerleading Association. It is all optional, but the material might help better prepare yourself for our future tryouts.  Just have FUN with it and see how well you do! 

Cheer Fight Song Link

UCA Tryout Kit Link

Click on the link. Scroll down.  Click on each to get to the material.

Click on Sideline and Cheer.  

Click on Dances

Click on Music

We look forward to seeing you soon.  

Good luck, best wishes and be safe!

The Eastview Cheer Program  - 




There will be Virtual Spring Concert & Awards at 7:00pm on Thursday, June 4th.  The link will be posted on the Eastview Performing Arts webpage.  We hope you can join us! 



Fall play auditions will take place next week.  We’ll do them virtually.  Contact director Scott Durocher for details and materials.



All EVHS Community members are invited to join us for a discussion of William Kent Krueger’s Ordinary Grace on Wednesday, May 27th at 3:30 PM.

We will meet via Zoom:  

Topic: EVHS Book Club

Time: May 27, 2020 03:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 834 4879 7076

Password: 8x6z1j



In the past several days, several Eastview Speech Team members have competed in two different virtual tournaments: the 3P Speech Showcase (a tournament that drew a few hundred competitors from several different states), and the NIETOC (National Individual Events Tournament of Champions).  Though they had to work to create their performances in a completely new medium, Eastview students had incredible showings at both events.

National Individual Events Tournament of Champions

This year, there were 188 schools from 30 different states.  As a team, Eastview was named 3rd Place in Total School Sweepstakes!  Every entry Eastview had in virtual attendance made it to at least the quarterfinal round and each person contributed to this outstanding result.

Congratulations to the following for their individual performances:


Campbell Bernstein: 2nd Place, Humorous Interpretation

Campbell Bernstein: 2nd Place, Prose Reading

Joshua Negussie: Semifinalist, Dramatic Interpretation (10th Place)

Mimi Le: Semifinalist, Original Oratory (10th Place)

Hanna Olson: Semifinalist, Dramatic Interpretation (11th Place)

Charlotte Krekeler: Semifinalist, Humorous Interpretation (11th Place)

Sony Kika: Semifinalist, Program Oral Interpretation (11th Place)

Jordan Adams: Quarterfinalist, Dramatic Interpretation

Thor Reimann: Quarterfinalist, Humorous Interpretation

Vikash Giritharan: Quarterfinalist, Original Oratory


Campbell Bernstein received 4th Place in the "Perfect Performance Award", awarded to the top students competing in multiple events.

Campbell was also the winner of the final round of Humorous Interpretation!


3P Speech Online Showcase

This tournament had entries from approximately 40 different schools hailing from multiple states.  Like NIETOC, every single EVHS entry advanced to at least the quarterfinal round.  There was no school sweepstakes awards given, but EVHS had an outstanding showing.

Congratulations to the following for their individual performances:


Joshua Negussie: CHAMPION, Dramatic Interpretation

Campbell Bernstein: CHAMPION, Humorous Interpretation

Mimi Le: CHAMPION, Original Oratory

Vikash Giritharan: 3rd Place, Original Oratory

Jordan Adams: 5th Place, Dramatic Interpretation

Campbell Bernstein: Semifinalist, Dramatic Interpretation

Charlotte Krekeler: Semifinalist, Humorous Interpretation

Sony Kika: Semifinalist, Program Oral Interpretation

Hanna Olson: Quarterfinalist, Dramatic Interpretation

Thor Reimann: Quarterfinalist, Humorous Interpretation



The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is meeting every Monday night at 7 PM in a digital format! We are still getting together and having a blast doing games complete with prizes (we delivered pizzas and jimmy johns to your door last Monday!), music, question and answer time, and great messages delivered by our speakers!  For more information you can join the REMIND app by texting the number 81010 with the message @FCAisfun or joining us on instagram at FCA.evhs.rhs  We are on Instagram live every Monday at 7 PM. Can’t wait to see you there!