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Weekly Announcements May 4-8, 2020



Watch the latest episodes of our school broadcast journalism programs:

The 4Cast: Click Here

The Flash: Click Here



From the Star Tribune: Attention 2020 high school graduates and their families! Please complete the form below for the chance to be included in the Star Tribune's special graduation section on June 7, honoring Minnesota's 55,000+ high school seniors. With commencement ceremonies canceled across the state because of the pandemic, we will celebrate the Class of 2020 and give you the special recognition you deserve. A reporter or editor may contact you if we need more information. The deadline for submissions is May 12.

Class of 2020



On April 23, Governor Walz announced that distance learning will be extended through the end of the 2019-20 school year. While the decision was expected, it was still disappointing to hear, knowing what it means for our students, families and staff, and how it will impact the important traditions, activities and milestones that mark the end of each school year. We wish we could see students in our schools again this spring, but we recognize the importance of continuing to do our part to combat this public health crisis.   



With the governor’s decision comes the cancellation of all cocurricular activities, games, performances, clubs and any on-site events that were scheduled through the end of the school year. Options for graduations are already being discussed, but no decisions have been made. We are exploring options for a modified on-site graduation while maintaining proper social distancing. We know this is what most students and parents would like, but whether it can happen remains to be seen. Many special programs and recognition events that are held at the end of each school year will be canceled, postponed or conducted virtually. 

  • Prom- previously scheduled for May 23rd, has been cancelled.
  • Graduation- Eastview is currently working with our district and our four other high schools to develop an acceptable framework to honor the graduation of our district seniors.  Our goal is to provide the best celebration possible while honoring our Governor’s recommendations for social distancing.  We will keep families informed as more information becomes available. 
  • Senior Party- The Senior Party Parent Committee is working to determine a method to honor seniors in lieu of the traditional party on June 6.   At this time, they are not refunding tickets until they determine a future plan.  However, if there is a financial need to be refunded, please contact: More information will be provided as the parent committee determines how they are going to proceed. 



We know that many students still have things at school that will need to be picked up before the end of the school year, and they may also have items to turn back into school.   Eastview is still making plans for this and will communicate with families as soon as plans become available. 



All school district fees for spring activities through FeePay will be refunded and processed by the end of the school year.  Student parking passes will receive a two-thirds refund based on the unused days for semester two.  



Now that we’re into the 5th week of Distance Learning, it’s time for a little routine iPad maintenance to help you be successful in completing your coursework.

  1. Make sure your iPad is updated to OS13.4.1. If your iPad is not updated, you need to Download and Install the update. (Remember it’s a 2-step process.) 
  2. After you’ve updated your OS, you’ll need to update your apps. Go to Self-Service, tap Reinstall under the apps you have downloaded to update them.

a.              While you’re at home reinstalling/updating your apps one at a time is a good idea to not overload your wifi.

    3.  You need 10-15GB of available space on your iPad to avoid a lot of problems. To free up space:

a.              Delete ALL personal photos/videos and those not needed for Q3/Q4 coursework.

b.              Delete apps not needed for current Q4 coursework.

    4.  Start your day with your iPad charged to 100%.

    5.  Make sure Notability is backing up to Google Drive.

Here are more helpful tips for iPads and apps.



It was such a disappointment to have to cancel our first-ever Senior Party Craft Show fundraiser. The Senior Party Committee had over 70 vendors signed up and collected over $4,000 in booth fees. With the raffle we had planned, the craft show was on track to be a huge fundraising success. And then COVID-19 struck. Some vendors donated their booth fees; most needed a refund. Luckily, approximately 20 vendors agreed to take the show ONLINE with us. Therefore, we are happy to announce that our Craft Show will go live on Friday, May 1st at 10am. Please visit for a little shopping and to show these generous small businesses some love! And please share the link widely with your friends and family!



As we continue to live in these uncertain times, many of us are looking for ways to return to some semblance of “normal”.  Many look to do this by getting outside and working in our gardens.  Eisele Greenhouse has been a tremendous supporter of Eastview and Eastview Football.  They have asked to continue this support and hope that you can support them as well.  During the month of May, they will give back 15% of all sales by Eastview supporters to the Lightning Football Program.  

People can order in store, over the phone, by email, or via their website at:

Eisele Greenhouse:

8350 160th St W

Lakeville, MN  55044


**For your convenience, all orders are available curbside pickup THE NEXT DAY between 12-6pm! **

Whether you place an order via email, on their website, in store, or call them directly, we need you to mention Eastview Football or Eastview High School!  Again, 15% of all sales support the Lightning Football program.

We understand that many of you may be struggling with your own financial issues.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if Lightning Football can somehow provide assistance.

We thank Eisele Greenhouse and the Eastview community, families and friends for their continued support.





Sometimes life can be overwhelming and it can be hard to work through difficult times. One resource that District 196 is making available for families is a virtual calming room, a site with various tools for calming and relaxation, like Sounds & Music, Guided Practice, Smartphone Apps, and more.  This Virtual Calming Room was designed to assist in identifying different strategies for managing emotions. We hope these tools will provide helpful outlets and practices for when life gets tough.



Get your CPR & AED certification! Distance learning with contact-free skills assessment.

Be prepared with lifesaving skills! In response to COVID-19, we have a new method for CPR/AED certification. Blended learning provides access to online learning. Remote skills verification allows evaluation of your skills via your phone video or computer webcam. We will contact you to arrange a time to pick up and return your manikins and supplies at Falcon Ridge Middle School, 12900 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd, Apple Valley. This program may also serve to renew certifications. American Safety and Health Institute CPR/AED certification is valid for two years. This course is equivalent to American Heart Association Heart Saver or American Red Cross CPR for Lay Rescuer. Learn more and register!


Parents … Check out our new online adult enrichment classes!

Although the method of learning with technology through distance learning may be different, our goal remains the same ... to engage, enrich and inspire your lifelong learning! Create hand-stamped cards, tap to be calm, write online blogs, explore home-based businesses and much, much more! The sky's the limit!




Attention senior parents!  Looking for a way to visibly honor our Class of 2020 seniors?  Weather resistant 18x24” yard signs are available through a collaboration with the Senior Party Committee and several senior parents, with all proceeds going toward the Class of 2020 Senior Party fund.  Click here to purchase one for your graduate.  Pick-up instructions are on the site and confirmed upon purchase.  #inthistogether




o   Complete the ‘EVHS Class of 2020 Senior Survey’ by 3:00 PM on Friday, May 8th on your NAVIANCE account. Once you complete your survey you are entered to win weekly raffles of: $25- $50 Visa Gift cards and Caribou, Chipotle, Subway, and Jersey Mike’s cards. 

o   The survey is important as it will be used for awards/graduation recognition and reporting your plans for next year. You must update your college decisions in Naviance before completing the survey. You can begin the survey and update/save before submitting if you are still deciding. If you are still deciding, that’s OK. Do what you can now and know Counselors are here to help as you make your decision. 

o   See the specific instructions for completing the survey and releasing your final transcript here



You should have received a very important survey in your Collab (.apps) account from Michelle DeMers this past Monday. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY!  We need this information so that we know what technology you have or might need in order to take the test via distance learning methods. If you did NOT receive this survey or if you have further questions or concerns, please contact me or Janel Hengel, EVHS Administrator.

Thank you!

Liz Perona

EVHS Spanish teacher and World Language Department Coordinator



o   Extended through May 8th 

o   300+ colleges from 44 states and 10 countries

o   Day and evening options

o   Panel presentations on a range of topics for juniors and underclassmen

o   Students and families can visit to view the schedule of sessions and register.



Students will need access to their email or College Board account to take the 2020 AP Exams. You can help ensure that you have access in the following ways:

1.  Check the email address you used to create your account on; students should regularly check this email address for the most recent information about their AP exams.

2.  Students should verify their College Board account at by clicking on their profile at the top right-hand corner of the page, and going to Account Settings. Students should scroll down to verify their information and confirm that their email address is the one to which they'd like to receive the e-ticket to take their AP Exams. If it's not the correct email, they can update it to an email they check regularly by clicking Update.   For additional help with your College Board account, go to or call 866-315-6068.

3.  Use of school-issued iPad: If students plan to use their school-issued iPad to take their AP exam(s), make sure that they are fully updated and have 10-15GB of space available.  The iPad Critical Updates document has the steps to update and create more available space: 

iPad Critical Updates

4.  For the most up-to-date information about changes to the 2020 AP exams, go to the College Board website:



  • Use Naviance as a great resource for you right now and utilize the 11th Grade Checklist of items you should be working on.
  • Credit Check- It is critical for your progress towards graduation that you each complete a credit check to insure you have all the necessary courses needed to meet the graduation requirements.  In order to do this accurately, you will need to open up your transcript by going on Infinite Campus (Open EVHS Homepage→ Families→ Infinite Campus→ Use student # as Username & Password→ Reports→ Transcript), and then complete the Credit Checklist that is included here. If you are short on credits or have questions, please notify your Counselor ASAP.  




Parents- You are invited to Supporting Teens Through This Challenging Time webinar training on Tuesday, May 12 at 7 p.m. 

Join Ellie McCann & Sharon Powell, Family Development Extension Educators who will share about supporting teens as they deal with isolation, loss of activities & celebrations during COVID-19 pandemic.  Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from stress and crisis while remaining flexible. This process can look different for every family and it can be hard work. Join caring adults from across the state to discuss ideas and share experiences on how to stay resilient and create hope within your family or 4-H group during this time.

Click here to register.  A day before the webinar, you will receive an email with the link to the online training.  The webinar is scheduled to be one hour.  



-Curbside pick-up is available for items in our branches--see the web page for more info. The basics: 1) Place a hold on our catalog. 2) When you are notified that the hold is available, call to schedule a pickup. 3) Pick up items at your appointment time.

-Ebooks and audiobooks from cloud Library, Hoopla, and RB Digital. 1) Install the app on your iPad. 2) Create an account. 3) Check out materials. 

-Homework help online through HelpNow. Live tutoring via IM, and feedback on essays.

-LearningExpressLibrary for AP and ACT practice tests and study guides.

-Student Cards All Eastview students have a library card that they can use to access any of the above items. Card number is 196###### where ###### is the student's school ID number. PIN can be reset here if student does not know it.


Food Scarcity 

According to the school closure guidance received from Minnesota Department of Education, all children 18 and under are eligible to receive free meals. Beginning March 30, breakfast and lunch bags can be picked up at Cedar Park Elementary, Dakota Ridge, Echo Park Elementary, Oak Ridge Elementary and Thomas Lake Elementary from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday-Friday. 

·We will also have five-day meal kits available for drop-off on Monday mornings at convenient neighborhood locations. These kits contain five breakfasts and five lunches. View the list of neighborhood sites.


Crisis help - If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact Dakota County Crisis Line 952-891-7171, 800-274-TALK, or call 911.


No Wifi/Technology Issues

· Free Internet Access at Home - Some internet service providers are offering free Internet access to families for 60 days to help during this time of remote learning.  

· Comcast – Making their Internet Essentials offering for low-income families free for 60 days

· Use the info below to apply:

· - online application

· Call 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish

· Includes 25Mbps download/3Mbps upload speeds

· Waiving data limits for existing customers (unlimited data at no additional cost)


Transcripts/College or PSEO related questions - Please contact your counselor directly for any transcript, college, or PSEO related questions. Please note the required forms are found on the PSEO schoology group.


Distance Learning Questions - We encourage students to set a schedule, be sure to log into Schoology everyday between 9:00-1:00pm, and if you have questions relating to an assignment, please contact your teacher directly. 

We are here to support you and we look forward to seeing you back at Eastview High School soon. Stay healthy and take care of each other!





Eastview’s spring strength coaches (Shannon Rainey, Troy Swanson, Kurt Habeck) are creating optional weekly workouts for all student athletes to participate in.  Each week there will be Zoom meetings to discuss the workouts for the week, instruction and motivational mindset training.  There will be a balanced approach with focus on strength, speed, and conditioning.  IT’S FREE! 

Below is information on how student athletes can sign-up and a link to our first Zoom Meeting. 


Super Group – Thursday, May 7 @ 4:00pm   

Sign-Up Link –  Spring Super Group 2020          

Join Zoom Meeting –   Zoom Link



Due to the cancellation of Spring sports and the extension of distance learning through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, The Eastview Dance Team will not be holding Spring tryouts for the Fall and Winter teams. Tryouts for the Fall Team are tentatively set for the week of August 10. Tryouts for the Winter Team will take place on October 19-20, the first 2 days of the winter competitive season.

If you have not yet registered for auditions, please register now to receive communication about summer training, camps and workshops. Only those registered will be sent information about these opportunities.

Register at

Please contact Head Coach, Jenny Raiche ( with any additional questions.



2020-21 Eastview Cheerleading Tryouts for the Varsity Football Sideline and Varsity Competition Team are to be determined at a later date.  Tryouts are open to incoming Freshman and all existing students coming back next year.  If you are interested in cheering at Eastview or if you have any questions, please send us an email to:  

In the meantime, feel free to visit the links below to familiarize yourself with cheerleading.  They include our cheer motions for the school song and some material from the Universal Cheerleading Association. It is all optional, but the material might help better prepare yourself for our future tryouts.  Just have FUN with it and see how well you do! 

Cheer Fight Song Link

UCA Tryout Kit Link

Click on the link. Scroll down.  Click on each to get to the material.

Click on Sideline and Cheer.  

Click on Dances

Click on Music

We look forward to seeing you soon.  

Good luck, best wishes and be safe!

The Eastview Cheer Program  - 




Please congratulate the following FCCLA members on qualifying for the National Leadership Conference this July. 

Digital Stories For Change- Riley Hetland, Ashley Patrin, and Muesim Sbitniy

Chapter Website: Kimberly Piehl, Allison Huberty and Alison Benolken

Promote and Publicize FCCLA- Kamya Chakravarthi

Kamya, Riley and Ashley will be attending and competing virtually at NLC July 7th- 9th. Congratulations and Good Luck!




Over the past several weeks, Eastview High School speech students have prepared for and competed in the virtual Central Minnesota District National Qualifying Tournament for the National Speech and Debate Association.  Formerly scheduled to be in Albuquerque, this year's NSDA National Speech and Debate Tournament will be held online.  To qualify, students must be among the top three entries in their event; the Central Minnesota District is nationally respected as one of the most competitive districts in the United States. 

Joshua Negussie - Dramatic Interpretation

Hanna Olson - Dramatic Interpretation

Jordan Adams & Campbell Bernstein - Duo Interpretation

Charlotte Krekeler - Humorous Interpretation

Allison Hering - International Extemporaneous Speaking

Mimi Le - Original Oratory

Vikash Giritharan, United States Extemporaneous Speaking


These speech qualifiers join several Eastview debate team members who already qualified for nationals earlier this year and will also be competing in June:  

Nikhil Kapur & Pavan Guttipatti, Public Forum Debate

Layla Foster - Congressional Debate

Elise Noonan - Congressional Debate

Meggie Pruidze - Congressional Debate 

With 13 students competing in eight different speech and debate events, Eastview High School will be well represented at the 2020 National Speech and Debate Association National Tournament this June!



Eastview’s Literary Arts magazine, Voices, will be accepting submissions of poetry, short stories, non-fiction and art (photographed pieces work well) between now and Friday, May 8th.  You can get the submissions guidelines and the email location (for written work:, and artwork dropbox ( from your English teacher; check his/her Schoology page in the next few days for details!

Or – contact Ms. Sagmoen at  with questions!



You're invited to read Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger, a Minnesota author.

Barnes & Noble Book Summary

Our discussion will take place the week of May 25th (exact date TBD). Students and/or parents are welcome! Would love to see you there! Here's a portion of the B&N book summary if you don't want to click on the link:

"New Bremen, Minnesota, 1961. The Twins were playing their debut season, ice-cold root beers were selling out at the soda counter of Halderson’s Drugstore, and Hot Stuff comic books were a mainstay on every barbershop magazine rack. It was a time of innocence and hope for a country with a new, young president. But for thirteen-year-old Frank Drum it was a grim summer in which death visited frequently and assumed many forms. Accident. Nature. Suicide. Murder."



The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is meeting every Monday night at 7 PM in a digital format! We are still getting together and having a blast doing games complete with prizes (we delivered pizzas and jimmy johns to your door last Monday!), music, question and answer time, and great messages delivered by our speakers!  For more information you can join the REMIND app by texting the number 81010 with the message @FCAisfun or joining us on instagram at FCA.evhs.rhs  We are on Instagram live every Monday at 7 PM. Can’t wait to see you there!