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Daily Announcements (9.3.19)



This week is Tackle Cancer Week at Eastview High School. Tackle Cancer t-shirts will be on sale – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings before school.  On Thursday, September 5 the Eastview and Apple Valley football programs will be joining together in a dodgeball tournament.  The band, cheerleaders and dance teams will also be there.  The tackle cancer dodgeball event begins at 7 p.m.  Admission is your free will offering.  You won’t want to miss this event in the EVHS Gymnasium.

On Friday night, September 6, the Eastview Lightning Football Team will take on the Burnsville Blaze in our annual Tackle Cancer game. It is going to be a fantastic night! Join TCO and Training HAUS for a tailgate party outside Lightning Stadium 90 minutes before kickoff.  (5:30 p.m.) All parents, students, faculty and alumni are encouraged to attend.

There will be FREE burgers and brats, Fun prizes, and a chance to meet your Eastview TCO sideline team.  Donations to Tackle Cancer will be accepted. Also, pick up your football on a stick for just $2.00 so you can be part of the moment of silence honoring and remembering those who have battled cancer. 


New to Eastview?  Are you looking for a fun and easy way to get involved in your student’s school community? Better yet, grab a friend and have twice the fun! The Lightning Café is in need of volunteers to work two to four afternoons a month from 1:00 to 3:00PM.  The café is a snack bar that meets the needs of Eastview students participating in sports and other after school activities.  The Lightning Café is the sole fundraising vehicle for our PAK (Parents Are Key) organization, which promotes activities that support our students and staff throughout the year.  This is a great opportunity to connect with Eastview students in a fun and rewarding environment!  Please contact Jessica Sahota at to volunteer.


Picture Day is Monday, September 9th - Lifetouch is offering the opportunity for you to order your student's school photos online. Click on the below link which will provide you the opportunity to choose the photo package, customize your package, add upgrades, and purchase your package online.  This will allow your student to simply have their photo taken on picture day without bringing any information or payment with them to school.  Students will receive order packets this week if you would like to order using the traditional methods.

Lifetouch Picture Day Info

When ordering online, the website will ask you for a Picture Day ID.  Following is the ID for Eastview HS:  EVTKZTNCV


The District 196 Food and Nutrition Services Department supports academic achievement by providing students with nutritious meals and exceptional customer service. Any student who is approved for free or reduced-price school meals will receive breakfast and lunch at no charge. A new application must be submitted each year, unless you already received a letter from District 196 indicating that all of your child(ren) have been approved for the current school year.  The online application to apply for free and reduced school meal benefits is available on the district website.



All students who purchased a fall parking permit should pick it up during lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday.  


Attention, Seniors: you can pick up your EVHS senior ID cards at the West Entrance Doors during school hours.  



This week is Tackle Cancer Week at Eastview High School. Tackle Cancer t-shirts will be on sale – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings before school.  On Thursday, September 5 the Eastview and Apple Valley football programs will be joining together in a dodgeball tournament.  The band, cheerleaders and dance teams will also be there.  The tackle cancer dodgeball event begins at 7 p.m.  Admission is your free will offering.  You won’t want to miss this event in the EVHS Gymnasium.

On Friday night, September 6, the Eastview Lightning Football Team  will take on the Burnsville Blaze in our annual Tackle Cancer game. It is going to be a fantastic night! Join TCO and Training HAUS for a tailgate party outside Lightning Stadium 90 minutes before kickoff.  (5:30 p.m.) All parents, students, faculty and alumni are encouraged to attend.

There will be FREE burgers and brats, Fun prizes, and a chance to meet your Eastview TCO sideline team.  Donations to Tackle Cancer will be accepted. Also, pick up your football on a stick for just $2.00 so you can be part of the moment of silence honoring and remembering those who have battled cancer. 



The weight room will not be open for athletes outside of Fall sport activities the first week of school Tuesday, 9/3 through Friday 9/6.

EVHS Fall super group will start Monday, September 9th. Meet on the indoor track at 2:45PM.  Super group training days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with a 2:45PM start time on the indoor track; the end time will be about 4:00PM.

The weight room is open Monday through Thursday from 3:05PM to 4:45PM and Fridays from 3:05PM to 4:00PM.


The Eastview Marching Band Festival is Saturday, September 7th.  Eastview will be hosting 16 other bands for the competition.  Doors open in the stadium for spectators at approximately 4:00 p.m.  Tickets are $10.00 for Adults, $6.00 for Seniors and Students, and children under 5 are free.  The Eastview Marching Band asks that you please remove all vehicles from the North Lot by no later than 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 7th, as dozens of buses and trailers will be arriving to park in the North Lot.  



Saturday September 14, 2019 11:00-2:00 pm

Register and pay online:


Location:        Eastview High School 6200 140th St. West, Apple Valley, MN 55124

Check-In:        10:30 am, Lower Level West Entrance - Door 1

Time:              11:00 - 2:00 pm. Special performance for parents at 1:45!

Participants:  Girls and boys kindergarten through 6th graders

What:              Cheer, sidelines, jumps, stunt demonstrations, dance and performance

Cost:               $45  - includes cheer shirt, PIZZA and a special award!

            No shirt guarantee for registrations received after September 7, 2019.


Walk-in registrations accepted with no guarantee on space nor shirt.

Email: Website:





The Annual All Sport Booster Club Meeting for All Athletic Booster Club Presidents and Treasurers for 2019-20 will be held on Sunday, September 15th at 7:00 p.m. at Eastview High School in C250.  If you are a President and/or Treasurer for your sport’s Booster Club please plan to join me that evening for some important information that is applicable to all booster clubs.  If you are unable to make it please send a substitute/alternate as we would love to see every Booster Club represented.  Thanks to all of our volunteers and hope to see many of you on the 15th!



The Dakota Hawks are an Adapted Athletics Team from District 196 that plays in the Minnesota State High School League sanctioned sports of Soccer (Fall), Floor Hockey (Winter) and Softball (Spring). Students are eligible to play from 7th-12th grade on any or all of these teams provided they have a qualifying need. In addition to the regular physical activity and healthy competition, this is a fantastic way for student-athletes to meet new friends! Parents tend to form a tight-knit, positive and supportive community as well while they enjoy the camaraderie of being a part of our successful program!

Please contact Brett Kosidowski at  Dakota United Hawks Varsity Head Coach / RMS Physical Education for more information.




One of Eastview’s largest, most successful and most educational programs is our debate team.  I hope that all students consider joining our team this fall.  There are no tryouts or auditions, so this is a program that one can become involved with immediately.

  1. Our informational meetings are Tuesday, September 11, 2:35-3:15 PM in A300 and Wednesday, September 12, 7:10-7:25 AM in A300.  Students may attend either meeting.
  2. Debate is educationally powerful.  Check out the second and third pages to see  what some of our most successful alumni say about the team. 
  3. Debate is a great way to get connected to Eastview High School.  We always advise freshmen to get involved.  Our door is open. 

Feel free to talk to Mr. Hering any time (stop by room A308—my office—or e-mail me).

We look forward to growing our team this year and continuing our tradition of excellence. 


Todd Hering

Head Debate Coach



All Eastview Robotics Teams will be having our first meeting of the season this Wednesday, September 4th from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM in room B123 if you are joining the FRC team or B124 if you are joining one of our FTC teams.  Our meetings start on time so please arrive early enough so that you are in your seat at 6:30.


Our team calendar is where you can reference to see when teams are meeting along with other activities such as tournaments and outreach events information.

Robotics Calendar

This year’s game themes have been announced.  For the FRC this year game is called Infinite Recharge.  This year’s FTC game is called Skystone.


FIRST Robotics is a mentor lead program.  Without mentors, our teams cannot succeed, Any skill, technical or not, applies to this program.  Any amount of time you are able to share works as there are many project-based jobs throughout the season.   If you are interested in helping us with mentoring this season, please plan to attend the meeting this coming Wednesday and introduce yourself when checking in.



Tech Crew for the fall play will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, September 4th, right after school in the PAC.  See you there!


FCCLA is having their kick off meeting in C139 on Tuesday September 10th at 7:00pm. Come and find out what all the fun is about…community service projects, STAR Events, State and National Conferences to attend, leadership building, food and friendship! If you are unable to come please see Ms. Battistone in C138 for more information. Come and join the fun!