Cap and Gown orders will begin at the Senior Meeting on January 29, 2025. Order deadline is February 28th, 2025.
Distribution is Wednesday, May 21st during all lunch periods.
SES students who are walking in EVHS's ceremony: orders were to be placed through SES and were due on December 1st. You will pick up your cap and gown at Eastview between 11:30am-1:00pm on Wednesday, May 21st. (Date subject to change).
IMPORTANT: To provide a formalized group ceremony that celebrates our school/district's academic achievements, only approved regalia and that which is a result of an academic honor by participating in a District 196 program or that is cultural regalia approved by school administration before graduation, can be worn at the ceremony. No other hat or graduation adornments should be worn other than those provided by the school/district. Do not alter and/or decorate the caps or gowns – You will NOT be allowed to wear them in the ceremony. (Students in the District 196 American Indian Education program are an exception and permitted to bead caps.)