District 196 COVID-19 Dashboard
The federal government has passed three major relief packages in response to COVID-19. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES), the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA), and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP). All included funding for K-12 education. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is administering multiple grant opportunities from these three relief packages, including three rounds of formula-based Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding that districts eligible for Title I, Part A funds received. Review the ESSER III Spending Plans for school districts >
Key Determining Factors
Three critical factors guide our decision-making process when determining which learning model is best for District 196: guidance from our state and local officials; the health and safety of our community; and our staff rates.
As a district, we rely on guidance provided in by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dakota County Public Health Department and state departments of education and health.
The health and safety of our students, staff and families is our top priority. We have implemented a number of safety measures and regularly monitor county and district case rates.
Our goal is to provide as much in-person learning as possible based on COVID-19 case rates, state guidance and the ability to adequately staff our schools and fill absences.