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Schedule Review and Change Request Process

Schedule Review Period:

Mid-Term Week for the following term

Q3 Review Period: December 11 - 13 (during Mid-Term Week of Q2)

Q4 Review Period: February 26 - February 28 (during Mid-Term Week of Q3)

When reviewing your schedule:

  • Be sure the classes you requested during the registration period last spring are included in your schedule (scheduling conflicts may have resulted in the placement of your alternate selections)
  • Be sure your schedule includes all four quarters (A/B/C/D) for yearlong courses and that they are scheduled with the same teacher throughout the year
  • Be sure you have a minimum of six courses per quarter (for grades 9 and 10) or a minimum of five courses per quarter (for grades 11 and 12); open periods will convert to a study hall when school starts

Please note that as we make final adjustments to the prior to the first day of each quarter, individual classes will remain the same, but teachers, periods, and/or locations may change.

Q3 Review Period: by 5:00pm on Friday, December 13

🔷 Review your Q3 schedule in Campus this week - by 5:00pm Friday, December 13

🔷 Any change requests must be submitted online by 5:00pm Friday, December 13 (**see below for form links)

🔷 Counselors will review requests and changes that meet the criteria will be made in Campus before the start of Q3 (Tuesday, January 21)

Schedule change requests that will NOT be accommodated include:

  • Requests for a specific teacher

  • Requests for a specific class period 

  • Requests for a specific study hall

  • Requests for a specific lunch period 


🔷 NOTE: It is possible that your Q3 schedule may change as we balance out class sizes.  Requests for specific class periods will not be honored, as we need the flexibility in scheduling.

🔷 NOTE: Dropping or changing a yearlong course requires a teacher and parent/guardian signature (see Counseling Office for form)


To request a change, please click on your Counselor's name below to access the online change request form:


Ms. Greener (Students A - Bul)

Mr. Wanous (Students Bum - Fod)

Ms. Hitt/Dr. Percival (Students Foe - Jin)

Ms. Hegy (Students Jio - McK)

Ms. Fisher (Students McL - Pim)

Ms. Scholen (Students Pin - Sp)

Mr. Olayiwola (Students Sq - Z)