9th Grade Program
Each ninth-grader will be a part of a ninth-grade team, with faculty members who teach in the content areas of English/Language Arts and World History. This team of teachers and students will stay together all year, engaging in team‐building, goal‐setting, learning, collaboration, inquiry and reflection.
- 2024-25 9th Grade Informational Brochure
- Program Description
- Team Contact Information
- Program Mission
- Program Features
2024-25 9th Grade Informational Brochure
Program Description
At Eastview, we share a collective commitment to creating the conditions for a successful transition to high school for our incoming ninth graders. We strive to make the transition a positive experience for all. We are committed to preparing all students for post‐
secondary success, ready for college and careers. We believe that all students can learn, regardless of background or past performance and experience.
Each ninth grader will be a part of a ninth grade team, with faculty members who teach in the content areas of English/Language Arts and World History. This team of teachers and students will stay together all year, engaging in team‐building, goal‐setting, learning, collaboration, inquiry and reflection. Collectively, these teachers will build ongoing relationships with students and their parents/guardians, and set the expectations and tone for their next four years at Eastview High School. Students can expect a challenging academic experience and rigorous curriculum, coupled with the support necessary for each individual student to succeed.
In addition, this team will help students grow in such areas as study skills, decision making, goal setting, problem solving, digital citizenship and an awareness of opportunities that are ahead at Eastview High School. We will also monitor student progress and partner with the student’s larger school team (including school counselors, case managers, administrators and other support staff) as needed in order to ensure success. We believe that by developing these relationships, building these important skills and monitoring progress, we will increase the success for all students at Eastview High School.
Team Contact Information
The Ninth Grade Team teachers can be reached via voicemail at 651‐683‐6969 or by email.
Team Energy (Honors)
Bob Dettmer ...............................................VM 88648
Rebecca Lieffort ..........................................VM 88117
Team Email: EVHSEnergy@district196.org
Team Hurricane (Honors)
Shuazong Chanthalakeo ............................VM 88707
Eric Vande Berg............................................VM 83407
Team Email: EVHSHurricane@district196.org
Team Sky
Greta Thomas ...............................................VM 82234
Elyse Hillyer ....................................................VM 88711
Hanna Kong ..................................................VM 85388
Team Email: EVHSSky@district196.org
Team Strike
Emily Primm ................................................VM 88823
Patrick Strey ................................................VM 82262
Team Email: EVHSStrike@district196.org
Team Storm
Brittany Barker..............................................VM 83003
Jacob Daubenberger...................................VM 88825
Turnar Kist ....................................................VM 88713
Rudy Rodriguez.............................................VM 85341
Team Email: EVHSStorm@district196.org
Team Thunder
Rachel Lentner ............................................VM 88717
Elyse Hillyer .................................................VM 88711
Theresa Haider ............................................VM 88617
Team Email: EVHSThunder@district196.org
Team Tornado
Alex Currie ...................................................VM 88607
Patrick Strey…..............................................VM 82262
Emily Primm.................................................VM 88823
Team Email: EVHSTornado@district196.org
Team Tribolt
Brittany Barker ............................................VM 83003
Jamey Wagner .............................................VM 88672
Anthony Flemmons.....................................VM 83020
Team Email: EVHSTribolt@district196.org
Team Typhoon
Alex Currie....................................................VM 88607
Jamey Wagner..............................................VM 88672
Theresa Haider..............................................VM 88617
Team Email: EVHSTyphoon@district196.org
Program Mission
Program Features
All students will experience a successful transition to EVHS.
- Safe, welcoming learning environment
- Connections with the school
- Caring, nurturing environment
- Monitor and feedback
- Reduce anonymity
- Responsibility and accountability
- Socialization
- Academic challenges and support
- Organization skills
- LINC leaders as mentors
All students will develop a foundation for academic, social, and emotional success.
- Consistent balance of high expectations & support
- Commitment to educational equity
- Rigorous, relevant curriculum
- Reading and writing across the curriculum
- Digital citizenship skills
- Critical thinking and problem‐solving
- Celebration of differences and diversity
- Productively work through challenges & struggles
- Development of growth mindset
All students, parents/guardians, teachers and staff will experience relationships that foster a sense of community.
- Communication with parents/guardians
- Celebration of successes
- Sense of pride and spirit
- Access to opportunities for all students
- Parent/guardian involvement opportunities